Illuministic Merchandising Of Human Souls

Illuministic Merchandising Of Human Souls

 November 1999

Last Trumpet Ministries

 Demoralizing People For The New Age Millennium!

Never before has the United States of America been so morally bankrupt.  As it tells us in Isaiah 3:9, "The shew of their countenance doth witness against them; and they declare their sin as Sodom, they hide it not.  Woe unto their soul!  For they have rewarded evil unto themselves."  

On October 6, 1999, President Clinton signed an executive order giving more preferential treatment to homosexuals in the military and to amend the Manual for Courts-Martial to further protect them. (15)  We have a President who is so morally destitute that he should be known as "Mr. Embarrassment."  Here let it be noted that when President Clinton was asked about his feelings on the shameful displays in the Brooklyn Museum of Art, Clinton issued the following statement, "In many fields of art there are those who are offended, but we do have a grand tradition of freedom of expression in this country, and a rich cultural art and humanities history that I think should not become part of, or be attacked in the political context." (16)  President Clinton went on to say that even though he may not agree with what is in the museum, tax money should continue to be given to keep it open. (17)

 The exhibits in the museum include the Virgin Mary with elephant manure smeared on her, the Virgin Mary coming out of a vagina, Mary encased in a condom, Mary in pink panties with breasts partially exposed, an Annunciation scene with the Archangel Gabriel giving Mary a coat hanger for an abortion, Mary pierced with a phallic pipe, and a bare-breasted female Jesus. (18)  President Clinton thinks this should be paid for with tax money.  How heinously satanic can one get?  

While it was hard to write what I just wrote, you need to know why judgement is forthcoming upon this filthy world.  I also have in my possession numerous articles showing heavy popular support for this museum and what is in it.  I must also mention that President Clinton has been going to New York City frequently and gave two separate speeches to homosexuals in one week.  One was at the "Empire State Pride Agenda Dinner" where he said, "There is a reason the President of the United States is here, besides my heart.  It is the right thing to do and you have been heard."  He gave this speech to a crowd of 1,800 homosexuals. (19)


15. Reuters News Service, Oct. 7, 1999, 12:53 PM, ET., Reuters Internet Service.
16. Ibid. Oct. 4, 1999, 3:55 PM, ET.
17. Ibid.
18. The Staten Island Advance, Oct. 15, 1999, New York, NY.          

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