Experts warn: A "tsunami" of cancers is coming worldwide (they didn't tell us the reason)

 Experts warn: A "tsunami" of cancers is coming worldwide (they didn't tell us the reason)

Cancer  centers must prepare for a  "tsunami" of millions of elderly cancer patients or health care systems risk being unable to cope, top doctors have warned. 

The rise in life expectancy and the rapid growth of the elderly population may lead to an increase in elderly cancer patients according to a report by the American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO).

At ASCO's annual meeting in Chicago, the world's largest cancer conference, Dr. Andrew Chapman, director of the Sidney Kimmel Cancer Center-Jefferson Health and an expert in geriatric oncology, said: “As the population expands and the incidence of cancer  increases vertically , are we really prepared to address these needs? I think that globally we are not prepared."

Luckily they didn't say climate change was to blame... because we heard that too.

"We know that cancer is a disease associated with aging, and there are several biological mechanisms responsible for this," Chapman added. "What is often missed is that the goals, desires, needs, preferences and issues of the elderly are very different from those of the average adult. "Sometimes there's a nihilism like 'if you're older we won't bother' which is horrible," said Dr Andrew Chapman.

But why is it now suddenly a bigger problem?

The truth is that we warned you many times about turbo cancers from Covid vaccines...

Dr. Krüger, MD, is a German pathologist specializing in breast diseases. With more than 25 years of experience in Clinical Pathology she has focused her interest on breast cancer, Ute has been researching breast cancer at Lund University for almost eight years.

In a recent lecture on  huge changes in  breast  cancer cases after the introduction of genetic therapy of Covid vaccines and the Spike protein , she talked about the large percentage of cancers that came to her attention.

Relatively soon after the vaccination against COVID-19, tumor growth explodes and there is a strong spread of the tumor in the body. and some of the patients die within a few months , Dr Krüger had said,  see more here…

And other reports

Board-certified pathologist  Dr. Ryan Cole  noted a significant "uptick" in autoimmune disorders and cancers in patients who had received the COVID vaccine.

Since January 1, in my lab, I've seen a 20-fold increase in endometrial cancers over what I see annually ," he said.

According to Cole, "after vaccination, what we see is a drop in our killer T-cells," which are to "keep all the other diseases in check," that made the vaccinated vulnerable to a host of diseases.

See more:  Evidence from doctors and researchers around the world reveals a huge increase in cancers due to vaccines against COVID19!

A saying goes: First we create a problem and then we offer the solution. Now that cancer is becoming the number one cause of death around the world, there could not be a better business than selling drugs in this field.

And the icing on the cake:  Pfizer buys the Seagen company that specializes in innovative cancer treatment for $43 billion!


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