June 30, 2023

Justin Trudeau Screws Nova Scotia


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Satan Is Real. Do You Recognize Him?

Satan Is Real. Do You Recognize Him?



Most people are totally ignorant of the most powerful spiritual force in the world today.

Satan-worshipers are getting bolder. The Grammy Awards this year featured a presentation of a song titled “Unholy” by performers dressed as the devil and his demons. The number of public schools in America hosting “Satan clubs” has been increasing. The number of people openly identifying as Satanists is growing.

These trends get headlines and have many people concerned. Such blatant evil signals the depth of moral and spiritual sickness of our society. Please read our feature story in this Trumpet issue, “The Dangerous Rise of Demonism.” We also have an article about how Satan is using popular music to reach many people today, especially youths (along with our infographic).

Yet the real threat that Satan and his demons pose in our world goes far beyond the obvious examples.

Very few people really understand the devil described in the Bible. This is a being with tremendous power. Isaiah 14 says he made the Earth to tremble and he shakes kingdoms and empires. Different translations of verse 12 call him “crusher of nations” (Emphasized Bible) and say that he “didst lay low the nations” (American Standard Version) and “enslaved the nations” (The Jerusalem Bible).

That is a much bigger problem than a single perverse performance at an awards show. This powerful spirit being is, in fact, “the god of this world” (2 Corinthians 4:4). Revelation 12:9 warns that he has deceived the whole world! So few people today understand this!

How can we be free from this powerful monster? How can we face and deal with him? The Bible answers.

“Submit yourselves therefore to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you” (James 4:7). If you just submit to God, Satan will flee. That’s quite a power God gives you and me—especially considering what the Bible reveals about the devil’s immense power. We don’t have to fear him if we use God’s power.

Beast Powers

Revelation 13 discusses a political power that has dominated the world scene throughout history. It is described in symbol as a beast with seven heads and 10 horns. This represents the world-ruling Roman Empire. It started in 31 b.c. It absorbed all the empires that preceded it and occupied their territory. Compare verse 2 of this chapter with Daniel 7, and you see the components of those other empires: the head of the lion, representing the Babylonian Empire; the legs of the bear, symbolizing the Persian Empire; the swiftness, cunning and cruelty of the leopard, which symbolized Alexander’s Greco-Macedonian Empire. So God used familiar animals to represent the first three dominant empires. But for the Roman Empire, He combined all those animals into one monster. No single beast on Earth adequately defined the Roman Empire.

“And I saw one of his heads as it were wounded to death; and his deadly wound was healed: and all the world wondered after the beast” (Revelation 13:3). This wound was inflicted in a.d. 476, when the Roman Empire was defeated, and healed in a.d. 554, with the Imperial Restoration—and it became the Holy Roman Empire, receiving the blessing of the Roman Catholic Church and combining the religious element with the political-military empire. Other prophecies show there would be seven resurrections of this beast—and the seventh and final of these resurrections is about to burst on the world scene.

“And they worshipped the dragon which gave power unto the beast: and they worshipped the beast, saying, Who is like unto the beast? who is able to make war with him?” (verse 4). Every indication is that this rising European power will be more powerful than America, China and Russia. How is that possible? It’s because they worship the devil! This gives them special power. Your Bible says they will become the superpower of superpowers!

This is a prophecy about a European superpower that we must be aware of. It is going to come on the scene and wreak havoc for 3½ years—after which God will smash it!

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An Evil and Violent World

An Evil and Violent World





      00:30 Celtic Throne Feedback (11 minutes)

The Celtic Throne tour provides a drastic contrast to the perversion celebrated during pride month. While the world celebrates immorality and shattered families, Celtic Throne proclaims hope and showcases God’s royal family culture. Celtic Throne performs its last show of the 2023 tour this Sunday in Nashville. For more information visit celticthrone.com.

11:50 Supreme Court Ends Affirmative Action (6 minutes)

The Supreme Court voted 6-3 that affirmative action is racist. Backlash from the left was immediate, including prepared responses from Barack and Michelle Obama.

17:45 Present Evil World (18 minutes)

The Bible prophesied that marriage and family would be fractured in the end time and that the world would enter a new age of violence. France is facing major riots after the fatal shooting of a 17-year-old during a traffic stop.

35:25 Current News (4 minutes)

39:00 Biden’s Disastrous Foreign Policy (16 minutes)

Victor Davis Hanson explained in a recent article for American Greatness how Joe Biden’s foreign policy decisions and family corruption have been disastrous for the nation.


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Séraphin La maison de l'exilé


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Scientists Reveal That Some Batches Of The EU’s Pfizer Jabs Were Placebos

Scientists Reveal That Some Batches Of The EU’s Pfizer Jabs Were Placebos


Scientists have uncovered evidence showing that a substantial portion of the batches of the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine deployed in the European Union may have actually been placebos.

They also reveal that the German regulator knew this and did not subject them to quality-control testing.

With the latest covid lies exposed, it looks like those who survived the EU’s Pfizer jab actually took placebos.

The Daily Sceptic reports: The scientists, Dr. Gerald Dyker, Professor of Organic Chemistry at the Ruhr University Bochum, and Dr. Jörg Matysik, Professor of Analytical Chemistry at the University of Leipzig, are part of a group of five German-speaking scientists who have been publicly raising questions about the quality and safety of the BioNTech vaccine (as it is known in Germany) for the last year and a half.

They recently appeared on the Punkt.Preradovic online programme of the German journalist Milena Preradovic to discuss batch variability. Their starting point was the recent Danish study showing enormous variation in the adverse events associated with different batches of the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine, or BNT162b2 per its scientific codename. The below figure from the Danish study illustrates this variation.

It shows that the batches used in Denmark, which are represented by the points in the graph, essentially break down into three groups.

The ‘green batches’ clustered around the green line have a moderate or moderately-high level of adverse events associated with them. In the discussion with Preradovic, Gerald Dyker takes the example of the green point furthest to the right.

As he explains, it represents the batch that was the used the most in Denmark, with somewhat over 800,000 doses having been administered. These 800,000 doses are associated with around 2,000 suspected adverse events, which gives a reporting rate of one suspected adverse event per approximately 400 doses. As Dyker puts it, “That’s not a small amount if we compare to what we know otherwise from influenza vaccines.” According to Dyker’s calculation, the green batches account for more than 60% of the Danish sample.

There are then the ‘blue batches’ clustered around the blue line, which are obviously associated with an extraordinarily high level of adverse events. As Dyker notes, no more than 80,000 doses of any of the blue batches were administered in Denmark – suggesting that these especially bad batches may perhaps have been quietly pulled from the market by public health authorities.

Nonetheless, these batches had as many as 8,000 suspected adverse events associated with them. Eight thousand out of 80,000 doses would give a reporting rate of one suspected adverse event for every 10 doses – and Dyker notes that some of the blue batches are indeed associated with a reporting rate of as high as one suspected adverse event for every six doses!

On Dyker’s calculation, the blue batches represent less than 5% of the total number of doses included in the Danish study. Nonetheless, they are associated with nearly 50% of the 579 deaths recorded in the sample.

Finally, we have the ‘yellow batches’ clustered around the yellow line, which, as can be seen above, barely gets off the x-axis. On Dyker’s calculation, the yellow batches represent around 30% of the total. Dyker notes that they include batches comprising some 200,000 administered doses which are associated with literally zero suspected adverse events.

As Dyker puts it, “malicious” observers might note that “this is how placebos would look”.

And malicious observers might be right. For Dyker and Matysik compared the batch numbers contained in the Danish study with publicly available information on the batches approved for release, and they made the startling discovery that almost none of the harmless batches, unlike the very-bad and not-so-bad batches, appear to have been subject to any quality-control testing at all.

Unbeknownst to most observers, it is precisely the German regulatory agency, the Paul Ehrlich Institute (PEI), which is, in principle, responsible for quality control of all the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine supply in the EU. (The institute is named after the German immunologist and Nobel Prize winner Paul Ehrlich, not, of course, the Stanford biology professor of the same name.)

This reflects the fact that the actual legal manufacturer of the vaccine, as well as the marketing authorisation holder in the EU, is the German company BioNTech, not its more well-known American partner Pfizer.

Dyker and Matysik found that the PEI had tested and approved for release all the very bad ‘blue’ batches, the overwhelming majority of the not-so-bad ‘green’ batches, but almost none of the harmless ‘yellow’ batches – as if the PEI knew in advance that these batches were unproblematic.

This is shown in the below slide from Dyker’s presentation during the Punkt.Preradovic interview. The title reads: ‘Which batches from the Danish study did the Paul Ehrlich Institute test and approve for release?’

In the PEI column of each of the tables, “ja” means, of course, that the batch was tested, “nein” means that it was not. Note that only the first batch in the ‘yellow’ table was tested.


The caption under that table reads: “The PEI did not generally regard testing of the harmless ‘yellow batches’ as necessary.”

As Dyker put it, with notable restraint, “this would support the initial suspicion that they are maybe in fact something like placebos”.

Or, in short, to paraphrase the German scientists’ findings on the variability of the Pfizer-BioNTech batches, it would appear that the good was bad, the bad was very bad, and the very good was saline solution.

(The full Punkt.Preradovic interview with Gerald Dyker and Jörg Matysik is available here in German. The above translations are by your writer. A full, presumably machine-translated, English version of the interview is also available on the Punkt.Preradovic webpage.)




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