The Rising Global Dictatorship!

The Rising Global Dictatorship! 
                                                March  2008

Last Trumpet Ministries

The Rising Global Dictatorship!

So much is happening so quickly, and the beast government is upon us beyond a shadow of a doubt. 

In a previous issue of the Last Trumpet, I reported that the Federal Bureau of Investigation, or FBI, is building a massive data base of detailed information on every person in America and on the individuals from other nations as well. This database will include fingerprints, iris scans, eye patterns, facial shapes, and so on. On February 4th, 2008, the FBI also stated that they will include tattoos in their data base. (10) Now we have learned that a high-tech company called Somark Innovations has developed and successfully tested a special ink that can be tattooed into the skin permanently, giving off radio frequency identification information. In other words, the microchip may not be needed to mark animals and humans. The same results could be achieved by an invisible tattoo that works with a proximity reader without even being directly scanned. This electronic ink would contain whatever information is needed regarding the person to whom it is applied. The device that reads the tattoo operates on a very high frequency, and the whole system is chipless and antenna-free. (11)

Without a doubt, the world-wide web and the hundreds of millions of computers interacting in it are the very electronic brain of the satanic beast himself. 

In Greece on January 14th, 2008, the television station ERT World featured an amazing story. The reporter from Patras called attention to the Mayor of the city, Andreas Fouras, who declared the beginning of the carnival season. The theme was the "history of communication", and it featured the computer. The King of the Carnival was then presented as a Wizard of the Computer, and it was said that he would give soul, meaning life, to the lifeless computers. (12) I immediately thought of Revelation 13:15 which reads as follows: "And he had power to give life unto the image of the beast, that the image of the beast should both speak, and cause that as many as would not worship the image of the beast should be killed."

We have also been watching the rise of the European Union, also called United States of Europe. Now we have learned that erstwhile British Prime Minister Tony Blair, who recently turned Roman Catholic, is in line to be the President of Europe. Blair recently stated with certainty, "I'll be President of Europe if you give me the power." (13) We must also remember that the Euro currency is rapidly becoming the hallmark currency of the world.

On January 22nd, 2008, something astounding happened. Prince Charles of Britain made a speech to Abu Dhabi regarding environmental issues. He stood before his audience as a full, life-size and three-dimensional person while he was seven thousand miles away. He appeared as a perfect hologram, and one would not be able to tell the difference between this hologram and a real-life appearance. It was that perfect. When the speech was over, he vanished before the very eyes of the audience as his body image disintegrated into thousands of light particles and disappeared. (14) 

This sort of electronic marvel is Satan's attempt to be omnipresent. Can you imagine the possibilities? With such technology it would be possible to stage a false second coming of Christ, saying, "Lo, here is Christ, or lo, he is there!"

March  2008


10. CNN News Service, Feb. 4, 2008, Clarksburg, WV.
11. Somark Innovations, official website,
12. ERT World TV, Jan. 14, 2008, Patras, Greece.
13. The Guardian Newspaper, Feb. 2, 2008, by Patrick Wintour, London, England, UK.
14. Sky News, Jan. 22, 2008, by Catherine Jacob, Abu Dhabi.          

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