The Telegraph has released a series of articles documenting a campaign of psychological covid terror and a crime against humanity!

The Telegraph has released a series of articles documenting a campaign of psychological covid terror and a crime against humanity!

The Telegraph has released a series of articles documenting the psychological terror and biological warfare campaigns about COVID being waged against the British people by their own government. See  the Telegraph archives here .

The Telegraph has obtained  more than 100,000 WhatsApp messages  sent between Matt Hancock and other ministers and officials at the height of the Covid-19 pandemic. The talks raise vital questions about the handling of the pandemic ahead of a public inquiry into the response to Covid-19.

As the Telegraph writes:

Throughout the pandemic, officials and ministers have struggled with how to ensure the public complies with ever-changing lockdown restrictions. The main weapon in their arsenal was fear.

"You people should be afraid of everything," Matt Hancock said in a WhatsApp message with his media adviser.

The then Health Minister was not alone in his desire to scare the public into compliance. WhatsApp messages seen by the Telegraph show how several members of Mr Hancock's team engaged in a kind of "fear campaign" in which they talked about how to use "fear and guilt"  to  get people to obey their orders .

What makes a terrible impression is one of the messages Matt Hancock, the former UK health secretary,  asks another civil servant: "When are we going to develop the new variant?"

The messages were received by Damon Poole, who commented: "Yeah, that's what's going to get them on the right behavior…."

In another message, Hancock boasted: "Scared the pants off them...with the new strain..."

These messages show a criminal  conspiracy to carry out psychological terrorism against the British people  .

Damon Poole and Matt Hancock should normally be immediately arrested and prosecuted and then sentenced to life in prison if found guilty.

A campaign of psychological terror

UK government officials actively conspired to run a "Truman Show" psychological terror campaign against their own people. They also engaged in biological warfare, scheduling the release of new variants – by their own admission – to terrorize the public.

It is important that what they admit is  exactly what the alternative media told you from the beginning  . All the so-called "conspiracy theories" are proven to be facts, time and time again.

What Hancock and his colleagues have done is an admission that the entire coronavirus pandemic was, in fact, made up from the start. From its inception, it was a well organized conspiracy against the people. (Yes, another real conspiracy fact, not just a theory.) These government tyrants feel so sure of themselves, they actually  left an electronic trail of their crimes against humanity .

They think they can get away with biological terrorism and psychological terrorism against their own people. But now, the truth is coming out. And all those who played down the conspiracy facts surrounding the pandemic should be held accountable.

The Telegraph is nothing more than a corporate media outlet, if the mainstream media starts to bring out evidence of truth then they are soon to be overthrown.



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