Freedom of information request with the Ontario Ministry of Health reveals pages and pages of deaths being reported after the Covid-19 vaccines.


Freedom of information request with the Ontario Ministry of Health reveals pages and pages of deaths being reported after the Covid-19 vaccines.

By :

Back in 2022, I filed a freedom of information request with the Ontario Ministry of Health requesting any and all internal communications that mention adverse events/injuries or death after the Covid-19 vaccines.

What you see in the PDF link below is just a fraction of what I’ve come across and what they have yet to release to me.

In the two images attached It shows a sudden myocarditis death after the Covid vaccine. Another shows a child died after the Covid vaccine.

I was provided with only some deaths that have been reported. None of the communications mentioned any adverse events like myocarditis, pericarditis, Guillain-Barré syndrome, strokes or any other well known adverse events.

After asking why no adverse events or injuries were included, I was advised that I would have to resubmit my request to the Ontario Public Health units.

I have since refiled that request with the Ontario Public Health units. This request should result in a large amount of reported adverse events/injuries and more deaths. I will provide an update on their response when I get it.

I have also filed a freedom of information request with The Public Health Agency of Canada asking for any and all internal communications with respects to adverse events/injuries and deaths reported Canada wide from Dec 2020 to Feb 2023.

So far, 18,000 pages have been flagged by the record holders with respects to my Public Health Agency of Canada FOI request. That's just from December 2020 to July 2022. I am told that the end result will likely be somewhere in the neighbourhood of 25K to 30K pages of documented communications.

When I get that info I will be sure to provide an update at that time as well.

See the PDF here.



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