What's really going on with ATIA takedowns? – The aliens "dropped" it to us, or something else...

What's really going on with ATIA takedowns? – The aliens "dropped" it to us, or something else...

As it has already become known that an American F-22 fighter jet shot down an unidentified cylindrical object over Canada on Saturday, the second incident occurred in North America where it is also believed to be unidentified. The U.S. military also shot down fighter jets in Montana because they evaded federal airspace radar. 

However, the mere fact that this news takes on large dimensions (without giving many details) by the systemic media makes us think. CNN, known for fake news, is running this story suggesting some  nefarious plot  is afoot... Is it doing it to distract or mislead the public from other things?

WEF puppet Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau  first spoke about  Saturday's downing of the UFO in the northern Yukon Territory, saying Canadian forces would recover and analyze the wreckage.

In addition to the UFOs we have been "charged" for a Chinese balloon and all this in just one week, all covered by CNN, a channel that is the voice of the CIA...

And don't forget the green lasers beaming near Hawaii:

Could it be that they are setting us up for another alien attack hoax  as a cover for a global "reset"  or some such event? It would not seem strange to us since they have the means to do so.

We're not the only ones who wonder about something like this...

And don't forget the strange claw-like object that fell from the sky over Alaska in April of last year.

All of these have one thing in common. They appear in the northern skies, and Russia has a military base near the North Pole, occupying the "high ground" on planet Earth, from which Russia can easily strike North American targets.

Are those secret Russian boats or missiles being shot down over North America? lasers, balloons, UFOs, falling objects, smoke trails... and US military fighter jets shooting these objects down, without further explanation. A sense in the public that there  is a war in the heavens .

Today General Glenn Van Herk said that the Pentagon has not been able to gather more information about the origin, purposes and the mechanism of operation of the three objects that were destroyed in the previous three days.

In fact, he said,  "We don't have the ability to classify them, regarding how they move, from a mechanical point of view. However, they clearly have the ability to remain in the air for a long time , leaving clear suspicions that they may be aliens!

What is Project Blue Beam that creates holograms and how could it aim for a global deception?

With all these recent revelations of UFO downings and sightings of such objects in recent days, suspicions are reviving that behind "the arrival of extraterrestrials" there may be geopolitical and political expediencies that would benefit a global management system that would cheat the implementation of a ambitious plan known as the "blue beam project".

It is a secret supposed plan of NASA and the United Nations which aims by using technologies to create the feeling in the people of the whole planet that they are being attacked by extraterrestrial beings or that a coalition of countries is attacking the rest of the countries (preferably the western ones as it wants the mutual destruction scenario).

The first reports come from the 60's, but the big "bang" happened in the 90's. When the Canadian journalist Serge Monast brought to light in 1994 a long-term study of his own about a strange program called Project Blue Beam.

"Since I began researching medical and military matters I have come to the global Economic Power of a very special elite of people who plan to implement a type of 'New World Order' upon the free nations of this world."

According to serge monast, the blue beam project will have 4 stages of implementation

In the 1st stage it will be through HAARP – artificial earthquakes will be produced, in the 2nd stage NASA will activate special machines to project holograms. The 3rd stage will involve holograms on Muslims where they will make them attack in the name of Allah, and the 4th stage will broadcast the false message that we are being attacked by aliens!

Joseph Spencer – The man who worked for Men in Black talks about the alien agenda!

The world will witness a massive alien invasion, thousands of holographic alien warships will cover the sky, plunge people into global panic, and real military aircraft among the holograms will deliver a real blow ."

In the Video which is from about 2012. On the one hand he describes what is happening right now with COVID19 a few years late, it is supposed to have happened in 2017. He tells us later that he has worked under the secret service known as MEN IN BLACK. and he even says that he has worked with aliens as well… But later, he says that this shadow government – ​​> intends to hold a project blue beam event (he describes it as Sky Beam) on a global level to finally implement a world government.

Watch the video with automatic subtitles:

Why are we talking about this ?

News is important to all people because it is where we learn new things about the world, which leads to broadening of the mind and more discoveries. 

With the power of an open mind that seeks the truth, a person can become more creative by using their own judgment. So this works collectively and makes the world wiser.





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