Unbelievable prediction from a researcher: "Soon there will be a 7.5 magnitude earthquake in (South-Central Turkey, Jordan, Syria, Lebanon)," he wrote on Twitter.

Unbelievable prediction from a researcher: "Soon there will be a 7.5 magnitude earthquake in (South-Central Turkey, Jordan, Syria, Lebanon)," he tweeted.

Scientists claim that it is currently not possible to predict a major earthquake, and the debate continues unabated.

However, there is a researcher named Frank Hoogerbeets, who sounded the alarm on February 3, which came true after today's deadly seismic activity in Turkey and Syria. 

Frank Hoogerbeets, who according to his Twitter bio works for the Solar System Geometry Survey (SSGS) organization in the Netherlands, predicted the earthquake accurately in a tweet.

"Sooner or later there will be a ~7.5 M earthquake in this area (South-Central Turkey, Jordan, Syria, Lebanon)," he tweeted.

After the deadly earthquake his prediction went viral as netizens expressed their opinion on his accuracy regarding the natural disaster that killed hundreds and destroyed major infrastructure in southeastern Turkey.

Hoogerbeets later shared another tweet, saying “watch for additional strong seismic activity in Central Turkey and nearby areas. Transformations usually continue for a while after a major earthquake,” he fell into that too…

Turkey is located in one of the seismically active regions and is more vulnerable to such disasters. The country of about 85 million people suffered one of the worst earthquakes in decades, killing more than 18,000 people. Let's hope it's the last aftershock.

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