They were definitely scared! Washington warns China and Russia about possible alliance!

 They were definitely scared! Washington warns China and Russia about possible alliance!

China has not moved to send military aid to aid Russia in its invasion of Ukraine, and the United States has made clear behind closed doors that such a move would have serious consequences, White House National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan said today. .

"Beijing will have to make its own decisions about how to proceed, whether to provide military assistance, but if it goes down that path, it will come at a real cost to China," Jake Sullivan warned during his interview on CNN's State of the Union show.

US officials have privately warned their Chinese counterparts of the costs such a decision would entail, Jake Sullivan said, without elaborating on the closed-door discussions.

The United States and its NATO allies have been issuing stark warnings to China in recent days, increasing public statements that China is considering supplying Russia with weapons.

CIA chief William Burns also made similar statements today.

“We are convinced that the Chinese leadership is considering sending lethal equipment. To our knowledge, the final decision has not yet been made and we have no evidence of ongoing arms shipments" to Russia, William Burns told CBS' Face the Nation.

Republican Michael McCaul, chairman of the House Foreign Affairs Committee, told This Week that US intelligence agencies have evidence that attack drones are among the weapons China has considered sending to Russia.



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