The Universal Leaven Of Illuminism!

The Universal Leaven Of Illuminism!

January  2003 

Last Trumpet Ministries

The Universal Leaven Of Illuminism!

In this issue of the Last Trumpet Newsletter, the first issue of the new year, we will examine the amazing events of our day in the light of God's Word, which will clearly reveal the lateness of time and the imminent return of our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ. 

We know that Satan has a plan for the last days, and that he has been working his latter day plan for over two centuries. 

On May 1, 1776, on the witches' high sabat of Beltaine, the organization known secretly as the "Illuminati" emerged under the direction of Dr. Adam Weishaupt. Weishaupt was born a Jew and converted to Roman Catholicism and was teaching canon law at Ingolstadt University in Bavaria, when he was selected and retained by the Rothschild banking dynasty to formulate a plan whereby all governments, economic powers, and every other endeavor of man could be infiltrated or "leavened" and controlled secretly from the inside. The purpose was to eventually bring forth a one world government or new world order, no matter how long it would take. 

This new totalitarian dictatorship was to be controlled by a man selected by Satan himself, and all people would be forced into submission and made to worship the "god of this world."

Weishaupt knew that such a task would require supernatural guidance, so he and four other co-conspirators went into a cave near Ingolstadt and held a Luciferian ritual using witchcraft incantations from the "Greater and Lesser Keys of Solomon." They called upon the one they call Lucifer, who is truly Satan, by invoking the "force of the controlling unknown." 

Having received direction from the "controlling unknown", they set up an organization conceived in the blackness of night on that high cross-quarter sabat of May 1, 1776. The organization was called the "Illuminati", which means "holders of the light", and the word "Illuminati" is derived from the word "Lucifer." Another name for this clandestine organization that is commonly used by upper-level witches is "Moriah", which means "the conquering, destroying wind." Here let it be noted that the original insignia or crest of the Illuminati still appears on the back of our U.S. one-dollar bill, complete with its pyramid and all-seeing eye. 

As a former witch and astrologer, I know full well the power of secrecy. I also know that the direct descendants of the original Illuminists are in power today and are working like mad to bring forth the new world order. We must remember that they always operate in secrecy, and they always have a cover to conceal their real work and to maintain the essential secrecy. We must also note that their method of operation is not direct attack but a gradual leavening of illuministic thought and philosophy into every existing institution of man. Thus, government, education, the economy, religion, entertainment, the news media, the medical profession, the food industry, and so on all seem to be operating and intact, while a common satanic thread runs through them all as the dark forces permeate and leaven every enterprise in preparation for the reception and acceptance of earth's satanic king. 

Those who have discernment can see this leavening effect that the Lord Jesus warned us about. He said to beware of the two sources of this leaven, the Pharisees and Herod. Thus, false religion and antichrist government would perpetuate Satan's plan. 

Why are there so many secret societies and so many secrets? Why is there a steady departure from the true system of values, and why is there such a lack of character in people today? The answer is both tragic and simple; people have been illuminized to a great extent. The leaven of the Pharisees and of Herod, the yeast of the Illuminati, has gone to work on the people and the United States and it is not the country it once was. Only God can help us! Pray fervently!

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