The Lethal Injection of America! // January 2007

image by : American Civil Liberties Union

The Lethal Injection of America!

 January  2007  

Last Trumpet Ministries,

 The Lethal Injection of America!

America has become a nation of human guinea pigs. We have heard the horror stories about human experimentation by Nazi extremists in Germany during World War II, but now it happens in our country in a deceptive and clandestine program of the worst kind. 

I received a large number of inquiries from my previous newsletter concerning the artificial blood called Polyheme, and that it was used in many hospitals without the knowledge of the recipients. In fact, one of the readers sent me a blue wristband from one of the more honest hospitals that had the words printed on it, “I decline the Northfield polyheme study.” 

One of the great problems with America, however, is that most people are so deceived and naïve that they never raise issues about anything, much less question their trusted doctors and health care professionals. 

The plain truth is that there are no safe vaccines, not one! Chronic ear infections, attention deficit disorder, allergies, asthma, autism, death, diabetes, meningitis, polio, seizures, and sudden infant death syndrome are only some of the things caused by adverse reactions to vaccines. It was U.S. Representative Ron Paul, who is also a medical doctor, who said, “When we give the government the power to make medical decisions for us, we, in essence, accept that the state owns our bodies.” (24)

In a recent article that appeared in the American Association of Retired People or AARP bulletin, the following was revealed about vaccine technology: “Vaccines are currently grown in fertilized chicken eggs. A new technology would incubate them in human, monkey, canine, insect or other cells in enclosed vats.” The article goes on to inform us that health experts felt that the new system is quicker, and it eliminates the risk of using contaminated eggs. The Sanofi Pasteur Company is working on this project in their Swiftwater, Pennsylvania, plant, and they have received a $97 million contract from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services to accelerate production and to conduct clinical trials. (25)

When we consider all of the diseases, pestilences, and infirmities that are now plaguing our country, we know something is drastically wrong. Our bodies are being experimented with and managed by evil minds in high places. 

The e-coli outbreaks traced to spinach, onions, and other fruits and vegetables have never happened before in such a great magnitude. One New York newspaper recently carried a headline regarding the e-coli outbreaks called “Double Trouble.” (26) 

Indeed, we have been warned well in advance of these days that are now upon us. Our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ, told us there would be pestilences, commotions, fearful sights, and many such things; and we can read about it in Matthew, chapter 24; Mark, chapter 13; and Luke, chapter 21. It is all happening exactly as described and it is happening now!

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David J. Meyer

Last Trumpet Newsletter 

January  2007  


24., Information card.
25. AARP Bulletin, Nov., 2005, American Association of Retired People.
26. Newsday, Dec. 8, 2006, front page, New York, NY.


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