Rumors are rife in Turkey that the devastating earthquakes were a punishment from the USA!

Rumors are rife in Turkey that the devastating earthquakes were a punishment from the USA!

At a time when Turkey is facing a national tragedy, after two large earthquakes of 7.8 Richter and 7.7 Richter, which brought destruction to the southeastern provinces of the country and the number of victims is constantly increasing. There are many conspiracy theories about US intervention , with devastating earthquakes in Turkish territory! 

Coincidentally, in Turkey there is a lot of talk in the media about punishment by the USA. They link it to Turkey's rejection of NATO expansion and the blocking of Finland and Sweden's bid to join NATO.

It doesn't seem at all unlikely to them that he is treating the massive earthquake as punishment. These are some of the headlines in Turkey after the big earthquakes:

The Hurriyet newspaper reported that "The possible "attack" with Haarp technology was carried out by a US warship that was anchored in the Bosphorus for 2 days".

The earthquake in Turkey looks like a punitive action (with Haarp technology) by NATO or the US against Turkey. There are videos showing blue lightning, which usually lightning is not normal in earthquakes (let alone blue...). Weather control is clearly a "weapon" in the hands of those who want to control the planet and its inhabitants in an effort to "impose their will".

The same situation with the strange images had also happened in Mexico where the US made them as an experimental target.

What is HAARP?

HAARP  ( High  -frequency Active Auroral Research Program), is a very powerful geophysical weapon, used as a weapon of mass destruction by weather modification and manipulation, here is its  official website  ( Alaska's HAARP is just one of many such facilities around the world and this is not some conspiracy theory.

Similar ionospheric systems to HAARP are  EISCAT (European Incoherent Scatter Scientific Association)  with facilities in Tromsø, Norway (members are Norway, Sweden, Finland, Japan, France, Great Britain, Germany, China), as well as the Russian  SURAH . A similar system also exists in Akrotiri, Cyprus!

Snowden has spoken out in the past about HAARP's murderous agenda

It is not the first time that HAARP has been blamed for an earthquake in Turkey!

Trowbridge H. Ford, a professor of ancient history, and particularly famous for his writings in the field of intelligence, had claimed  in 1999  that a major earthquake in Turkey was caused by the US. Here are the details :

Trowbridge H. Ford had said that the great earthquake that Turkey experienced in 1999 was caused by the US. According to Ford, the US can create "man-made disasters" with its technological capabilities and use it as a tool of "punishment" against many countries.

He also said that many apparently "natural" disasters in China, Korea and Turkey were actually created by a technology used by the US High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program (HAARP).

So, what was Turkey's crime, so the US punished Turkey with an earthquake.

According to Trowbridge H. Ford, the reason behind this was that then Prime Minister Bulent Ecevic informed Serbian President Milosevic about the operation against Serbia at that time. Ford reports that a Turkish spy working for NATO passed information to the Serbs about the attack on Serbia, and the Americans found out about it.

Claiming that this situation angered the Clinton administration and that the NRO caused the earthquake in the Izmit area on the orders of then US President Bill Clinton, Ford said: “The US didn't want Bulent Ecevit anyway. With this earthquake, Turkey's economy suffered greatly and the end of Ecevit came. Therefore, the way was opened for the moderate Islamists that Washington and London wanted to see in power."



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