Lawsuit Finds Dominion Voting Systems Knew Their Machines Were ‘Rigged’

Lawsuit Finds Dominion Voting Systems Knew Their Machines Were ‘Rigged’

Top executives at Dominion Voting Systems knew their machines were ‘rigged’ but allowed the faulty machines to be used during the 2020 elections, according to new court documents.

The lawsuit, between Fox News and Dominion, found that Dominion employees knew that the security of their own systems were virtually non existent.

Raheem Kassam reports: Some of the most critical examples include (with emphasis added):

Discovery in this case has revealed that Dominion’s own employees expressed serious concerns about the security of its machines. Mark Beckstrand, a Dominion Sales Manager, confirmed that other parties “have gotten ahold of [Dominion’s] equipment illicitly” in the past.

Beckstrand identified specific instances in Georgia and North Carolina and testified that a Dominion machine was “hacked” in Michigan.

Beckstrand confirmed that these security failures were “reported about in the news.”

And just weeks before the 2020 presidential election, Dominion’s Director of Product Strategy and Security, Eric Coomer, acknowledged in private that “our shit is just riddled with bugs.” Indeed, Coomer had been castigating Dominion’s failures for years. In 2019, Coomer noted that “our products suck.”

He lamented that “[a]lmost all” of Dominion’s technological failings were “due to our complete f— up in installation.” And in another instance, he identified a “*critical* bug leading to INCORRECT results.” He went on to note: “It does not get much worse than that.”

And while many companies might have resolved their errors, Coomer lamented that “we don’t address our weaknesses effectively!”

These were recent (2019) messages, which don’t just provide justification for a news network covering potential exploitation of voting machines, but are enough to warrant a wider investigation of Dominion, State Street Capital, and their products and services.

But no mention of these details by most news networks over the last 36 hours. The Associated Press, I suppose to its credit(?), put this in their 10th paragraph on the story: “[Fox lawyers] also point to an email from Oct. 30, 2020, just days before the election, in which Dominion’s director of product strategy and security complained that the company’s products were ‘just riddled with bugs’”.

So long as Fox’s corporate media competitors continue to take victory laps over filings their correspondents have clearly not read, nor reported accurately on, they will find themselves guilty of precisely what they want Fox fined $1.6bn for: making routine editorial news decisions.

This is wanton endangerment and disregard of a so-called free press and America’s First Amendment. But then again, no one ever accused Oliver Darcy of believing in those things in the first place.

Sean Adl-Tabatabai


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