Media Blackout of Project Veritas Video Shows the Power of Big Pharma

Media Blackout of Project Veritas Video Shows the Power of Big Pharma


00:30 Exposed Pfizer Executive Assaults Project Veritas (23 minutes)

Last night, Tucker Carlson exposed the “near total media blackout” of Project Veritas’s undercover footage of Pfizer executive Jordon Walker. Another video released yesterday shows Walker having a complete meltdown when confronted by Project Veritas founder James O’Keefe. Meanwhile, Director of CDC Vaccine Task Force Tom Shimabukuro acknowledged that the organization is “aware” of the reports of debilitating vaccine injuries.

23:20 Body Cam Footage Exposes the Truth (15 minutes)

A San Francisco judge ordered the release of body cam footage from the hammer attack on Paul Pelosi, even though both the prosecutors and the defense in the case opposed the release because it could “fuel conspiracy theories.” Also, body cam footage from January 6 shows the severity of police brutality during the protest, which American Greatness commentator Julie Kelly called the worst since the civil rights movement.

38:00 Educate the Spirit in Man (17 minutes)

Salvation is education, and true education comes from deep and solitary study of God’s Word. Every day, we must labor for the spiritual meat that will last for eternity (John 6:27).



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