CDC Puts Warning Labels on Beverages for 'Increased Risk' of Cancer - Another Covid Vaccine COVERUP!

CDC Puts Warning Labels on Beverages for 'Increased Risk' of Cancer - Another Covid Vaccine COVERUP!

According to the CDC, drinking alcohol increases the risk factor for six types of cancer, including breast, liver, colon and rectal, larynx, esophagus, mouth and throat. A new media blitz claims that "most Americans don't know." Other than government-mandated warning labels warning pregnant women not to drink alcohol (since 1989), there have been no specific cancer label warnings on alcoholic beverages until now. Why;

Government agency regulators claim the warnings will help consumers make an "informed choice." But wait, is this all just another  story  , or another excuse for the Covid clots causing massive health problems around the world? Since there are more than 15 million alcoholics in the US, this would be a very convenient false justification. 

This requires careful consideration.

Have  you ever heard of "turbo cancers" caused by vaccines  ? Doctors in Canada have found that Pfizer's mRNA booster vaccines for Covid-19 can dramatically increase T-cell lymphoma and create a "turbo effect" of cancer cells spreading to lymph nodes. That's according to an analysis of PET/CT scans on cancer patients who took vaccines that  the CDC claims are "safe and effective . "

So we're not talking about two or three decades of binge drinking here, but a few weeks or months after getting the flu, cancer cells get a turbo boost and spread like wildfire. Why isn't NBC news covering this?

The spike proteins from mRNA vaccines are carcinogenic, but US government regulators would never dare put such a label on vaccines, in which case they prefer to coerce citizens by threatening to fire them from their jobs, and even take away their health care. Meanwhile, covers are being thrown left and right, saying it's all about alcohol and tobacco, so no one  will research vaccine-induced cancer .

As more and more comes the true revelation of vaccine-induced cancer.

Fake news trying to cover up covid vaccine damage

We've heard all kinds of stupid excuses about it. We've heard about safe activities and events that suddenly from 2021 onwards are considered very dangerous for the heart, such as cold showers, referee whistles, video games, particles in the air, the way we sleep or even the way we…  go to the toilet. 

Now that it is being revealed  by serious research and not by  farce that Covid vaccines cause turbo cancer, the fake news has to ramp up the warnings on everything imaginable. Sorry but at least we here understood you!



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