Armageddon is coming!!! Stock up on pills and medicine in the cupboards... Huge shortages in all countries with empty shelves: The plan to exterminate the population is moving forward


Armageddon is coming!!! Stock up on pills and medicine in the cupboards... Huge shortages in all countries with empty shelves: The plan to exterminate the population is moving forward

With the pandemic, the disruption of the supply chain, the war in Ukraine and the inflationary crisis, we have experienced and are experiencing many shortages. Initially, electronic and other consumer products, then food. What else could happen to us? The latest nightmare unfolds on pharmacy shelves, which are sadly empty.

Now even the most "simple", the most common medicines are starting to go missing. This is a situation we will have to learn to live with, as shortages are expected to peak at historic highs in 2023, making finding even a common pain reliever… an adventure.

In our country there are shortages of about 500 medicines of all kinds, with the government proceeding with an export ban on some and Greek companies trying to meet the demand. However, the problem is anything but Greek. In the rest of Europe, the US, Canada, the UK, drug shortages are reaching explosive proportions. Serious problems like this, with causes that are multifactorial and complex, require extreme solutions.

In France,  these days, those who go to pharmacies are required to take a test, similar to the rapid test we did for CO-VID-19, which shows the type of flu they have and whether they need to take antibiotics.

In the United States  , robots are being recruited to prepare drugs 24 hours a day to cover the huge shortages, while the government warns the public that it is dangerous to buy (dubious quality) drugs from illegal online pharmacies that are doing gold business this space.

In Germany,  the government will introduce incentives to bring pharmaceutical companies back to the country,  in the UK  the Penicillin Severe Shortage Protocols have been activated allowing pharmacists to give whatever alternative medicine they can find. 

In China , the panic-stricken world is stockpiling medicine, with the result that not even aspirin is left.

So serious are the shortages that, as sources with knowledge of the matter explain, there are European governments considering "toughening up" drug prescribing – to the point of requiring a doctor's prescription for even a simple painkiller, a Deposit.

The same sources explain that the idea of ​​exchanging medicines that are in short supply between E.U. has also fallen on the table. and USA, as well as the operation of new factories with fast track procedures or cooperation with third countries. But slowly there are problems with the adequacy of veterinary medicines, which have a 6-month waiting period across Europe...

The bitter truth, of course, is that governments had little room to react, as the current situation is the result of decades of collective policies. The crisis of the previous years led to a cut in pharmaceutical spending, which deprived pharmaceutical companies of other revenues.

And we say "and others", because, as experts in the field explain, since the 70s Europe has followed deindustrialization policies, which has led to the dependence of drug production on third countries. The production of medicines for the whole planet is done, in percentages ranging between 60% and 80%, in China and India.

Of course, profit also plays its role in the above. The pharmaceutical companies have a... disarming argument: that in many cases it is simply not in their interest to produce. Due to inflation, the energy crisis, the war in Ukraine and the disruption in the supply chain, raw materials such as paracetamol have become more expensive this year by up to 70%.

However, the same is not the case with the price of medicines, which remains stable. Thus, active substances such as paracetamol, butamirate, amoxicillin, ambroxol are not produced in sufficient quantities.




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