A New And Grotesque Smallpox Vaccine! ( September 2002 )

RACGP - From smallpox to polio, vaccine 

 A New And Grotesque Smallpox Vaccine!

 September  2002

   Last Trumpet Ministries, 


A New And Grotesque Smallpox Vaccine!

Since terrorism has become a daily word, and our own government drops the fear bomb on us every day, we have been hearing about the necessity of all Americans to receive the smallpox vaccine. 

The U. S. Department of Health and Human Services has determined that 250 million doses are needed to adequately protect the American people, and the government is currently procuring the vaccines.

 Originally, the vaccine called "dryvax" was made by Wyeth laboratories using calf skin, which is no longer considered to be optimal. The Food and Drug Administration determined that a better vaccine is the MRC-5 line, which is developed from the lung tissue of a 14 week fetus aborted for psychiatric reasons from a 27 year old physically healthy woman. Thus, the stem cells of an aborted baby would be injected into the entire population of the United States, which would have disastrous spiritual and physical effects. (27) 

When certain people found out what the government intended to do, they began to make noise about it, and the government back-peddaled and said they would use the old vaccine. Can you believe them?

Remember the former Pentagon Press Agent, Arthur Sylvester, who plainly stated that the government has the right to lie to the people? We have no way of verifying what is in those needles, and it would take a skilled microbiologist and immunologist to make such a qualitative determination. 

We know that the fetal stem cells and vaccine produced from them are held at Coriell Cell Repositories at the Coriell Institute for Medical Research at the University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey. The repository number is AG05965. I would be happy to send you a copy of this face sheet with all of the information on it including the Coriell Cell Repositories letter head. Please help us with postage and copying if you can.

When President Bush gave the OK for fetal stem cell research one month before the twin towers came down, it was all part of the plan. These are strange and grotesque times that we are living in. 

It is far beyond what Dr. Frankenstein would have ever thought possible. In DeForest, Wisconsin, in a secret and locked barn are five black and white calves that are not ordinary bovines. These five calves are clones, but what is even more unusual is that they are part human, because human DNA was added to their genetic makeup when they were embryos. These cows will now produce a human protein in their milk known as C-1 Esterase Inhibitor, and it is suppose to benefit humans. (29) 

With this kind of nonsense going on, is it any wonder that animals are developing mad cow disease, chronic wasting disease, and other strange illnesses? Corn and tomatoes contain the DNA of fruit flies and other animal genetics. This is absolutely contrary to the law of our Creator, the Almighty God, and people are going to pay dearly for it. 

This is spiritual anarchy, and judgement is on its way!

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source :

David J. Meyer

Last Trumpet Newsletter 

September  2002


27. WorldNetDaily, Nov. 18, 2001, by Jon Dougherty, Internet Service.
28. Coriell Cell Repositories, face sheet.
29. The New York Times, July 23, 2002, by Nicholas D. Kristof, New York, NY.



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