The World Health Organization (WHO) Junta Simulated a New Deadly Pandemic – A Global Health Constitution as a Solution


The World Health Organization (WHO) Junta Simulated a New Deadly Pandemic – A Global Health Constitution as a Solution

The Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security, together with the World Health Organization (WHO) and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, simulated a pandemic in Brussels on 23 October. Catastrophic Contagion is the ominous title of the exercise they carried out.

Ten current and former health ministers and officials from Senegal, Rwanda, Nigeria, Angola, Liberia, Singapore, India and Germany; and Bill Gates participated in the simulation.

This was about a "fictitious" pandemic that would break out in the near future. Participants discussed how to deal with an epidemic that appears in a certain part of the world and then spreads rapidly like a pandemic, with a higher death rate than the coronavirus. In this case, children and young people will be most affected. Every choice the participants made had far-reaching consequences.

WHO chief Tedros this week announced that WHO member states had agreed to the development of a legally binding pandemic treaty. This treaty should "protect" the world from future pandemics.

There is a lot of resistance to this pandemic condition. According to WHO whistleblower Astrid Stuckelberger, it is very dangerous. It will be a kind of world constitution. Individual countries are no longer allowed to determine how they will fight the next "pandemic". He spoke of centralization of power.

Global governance
The whistleblower pointed out that billionaire Bill Gates has been working on a global vaccination plan since 2012. The WHO has handed over leadership to GAVI, says Stuckelberger, who worked for many years for the World Health Organization. He pointed out that GAVI is the second largest donor to the WHO.

And now there is talk of global governance. "It's organized tyranny in a golden cage," he said. "We didn't know how they were going to do it. They use health policies to create this global governance.”




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