The WEF is now messing with pets too by proposing a population reduction in cats and dogs to fight climate change…

The WEF is now messing with pets too by proposing a population reduction in cats and dogs to fight climate change…

The World Economic Forum recently launched a controversial new initiative. He called for a depopulation of cats and dogs around the world in an effort to reduce the "carbon footprint" they produce and eat meat! 

CNN, always at the forefront of promoting its globalist agenda, is urging readers to feed insects to their pets in an effort to combat climate change.

He recently published an article on his website titled, “  Our pets are part of the climate problem. These tips can help you minimize your carbon footprint  .' They claim on CNN that the meat-heavy diet of many household pets is causing the release of global-warming gases into the atmosphere.

CNN did not say we should slaughter them as I have seen on other blogs… that would sound extreme and provoke animal rights advocates. Regardless of whether this is what he means in the background, since policies happening in China are a model for their plans.

Your kitty and puppy, CNN explains, should be eating bugs just like you,  assuming Klaus Schwab eventually lets us keep them in the future.

It's true that Emma Thompson told pet owners to eat their own pets to survive the so-called climate crisis…

But despite the backlash, the WEF maintains that this measure is necessary as it believes that reducing the number of pets around the world will help reduce global warming and other environmental issues caused by their overpopulation. 

It also claims, quite falsely, that the policy will help reduce animal abuse by ensuring that no pet is neglected or abused (by the logic of a sore leg, cut a leg).

If you pay attention to WEF policies, you will realize that they all have one thing in common: they dehumanize us, degrade us, and mock us. They are designed to take away all the joys of life and cause stress and problems.

The campaign to force humanity to give up meat and subsist on bugs and crickets is a good example.

Then there's the depopulation effort, which has been a conspiracy theory for a long time, but is now completely pervasive. They don't even try to keep it a secret.

Related:  How many times does it have to be said to get it? The WEF was "caught" again on video talking about "World Population Decline"!

See for example the following video of the multi-award winning Dennis Meadows who  supports the theory of the golden billion,  where people if they want to live free should only reach 1 billion. Otherwise... we have to choose a kind of dictatorship from the problems that overpopulation will create.

At what point do we stop and say "enough"? How many times does the World Economic Forum have to declare its sinister intentions before people put on a brake?

Klaus Schwab's right-hand man, Yuval Noah Harari, who has a history of saying the quiet part loudly, and last week admitted what many people have long suspected.

According to Harari, who was promoting his new book, the big political question of the 21st century is  What do we need so many people for?" »

And it's not even the first time Yuval Noah Harari has bluntly admitted his plans for humanity. He also recently stated that the WEF considers the vast majority of the human population obsolete, useless and unnecessary.

The WEF consultant assessed the widespread anxiety among "  common people  " as rooted in the fear of being "  left behind  " in a future run by "  smart people".

Such fears are justified, according to Harari, who spoke on behalf of the elites and confirmed,  We just don't need the vast majority of you ."

So what else do you want to hear? The WEF tells us that if we don't comply with their demands, we face certain doom. They argue that only by surrendering our freedom and autonomy to the elite can we hope to avoid the catastrophes that loom on the horizon.

Will you join us in the fight for freedom or cower in fear and submit to the demands of the global elite? The choice is yours. But whatever you do, don't underestimate the consequences of your choices.


================================= comment :

The Goons propose "solutions" to combat "climate change".



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