The BBC is trying in every way to prevent the public from seeing the film Died Suddenly... (too late we saw it)!


The BBC is trying in every way to prevent the public from seeing the film Died Suddenly... (too late we saw it)!

The BBC is trying to make people not watch the movie Died Suddenly , even going so far as to say that it will cause psychological problems to anyone who sees it... Rachael Schraer, who works for the BBC on so-called "disinformation reporting" (this which she does), has spent countless hours discrediting the film. 

On the one hand, Schraer's piece is a powerful attempt at deterrence, as she goes out of her way to urge her readers not to see the film. But it's the latter, since by now so many people have lost loved ones to the piercing, or been seriously damaged themselves, they don't need Died Suddenly to be enlightened.

To dissuade people from watching it, Schraer characterizes it as a vile and misleading piece of propaganda, based on weak (if any) research, filled with gross errors and offensive language, since all those the film claims to have dies or is injured by the "vaccine" are very "rare" cases (he keeps repeating). 

Above all, Schraer presents Died Suddenly as an expression of self-delusion: “[T]he film tells a fictional story of a dangerous vaccine that kills groups of young people – all part of an imaginary depopulation plot”

The truth is that there have been much more enlightening documentaries than Died Suddenly such as "Safe and Effective". which you can see here with Greek subtitles . 

However, those who haven't seen the movie Died Suddenly, watch it:




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