Health Canada admits Pfizer vaccine never tested for efficacy in preventing COVID infection

Health Canada admits Pfizer vaccine never tested for efficacy in preventing COVID infection

Conservative MP Colin Carrie used an inquiry of the ministry to compel Health Canada to produce any studies the agency had completed regarding Pfizer's COVID-19 vaccine, as well as the experimental medicine's ability to stop the spread of the disease. None were done.

December 05, 2022


Health Canada noted that Pfizer's vaccine was tested for safety, but not efficacy in preventing the spread of COVID-19: 

With regard to part (h) of the question, the clinical trials for Pfizer vaccines were not designed to test transmission.

The vaccine effectiveness for prevention of COVID -19 was tested and demonstrated in clinical studies.

It is important to note that the clinical trials for the COVID-19 vaccines were designed to measure vaccine safety as well as efficacy against the prevention of severe illness, rather than transmission, which involves becoming infected and then passing the virus on to another person. 

"Were the vaccines tested in regards to transmission, and, if so, what were the results?" 

The admission is in line with previous statements from Prime Minister Justin Trudeau which stressed vaccine mandates were more about compliance with government policy than health. 

Vaccine mandates were used as tools for "accountability." 



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