Elon Musk against the "brainwashing" of internationalist propaganda

Elon Musk 1

Elon Musk against the "brainwashing" of internationalist propaganda

The billionaire "uncovers" the global conspiracy that destroys traditions, institutions and values ​​to create helpless and weak people.


With an epic tweet, the new owner of Twitter, Elon Musk, in a very clever way  dismantles the propaganda of the international circles  that imposed the restrictive measures of the pandemic and mass vaccinations, banning any opposing opinion.

Elon Musk depicts with an ingenious Tweet a "little man" who holds only one flag of his country (the American one in this case) and who is characterized by the New Order as a  "graphic brainwashed victim of propaganda".

It is the trend that the internationalists are trying to pass that anyone who is a patriot and a supporter of traditional values ​​has been "programmed" by… relevant propaganda.

In the tweet Elon Musk cleverly shows another little man who has more than 5 doses of vaccines on him and the symbols of the New Age as well as CNN to be the one that accuses the patriot of being "directed".

It is even clear that Elon Musk considers CNN as one of the most basic propaganda media in international circles.

The message he wants to get across is quite clear:

It is noted that shocking facts have come to light recently  from the opening of Twitter files by Elon Musk that reveal the conspiracy organized basically by Western governments (mainly the US since November 2020 after the defeat of N. Trump) and businessmen in the context of the Covid-19 pandemic in order to destroy, silence, demonize and ultimately impose a virtual reality on citizens.

Newly released Twitter files reveal a concerted global campaign to suppress any views that disagreed with the dominant narrative on the pandemic, vaccines, lockdowns and containment measures, even if those views came from leading scientists , even Harvard professors!

The revelations especially about the vaccination of children and the lies regarding the mortality rate of children due to Covid cause enormous sensation as well as anger.

The disclosures concern:

– Censorship of information that was true but embarrassing to the US government and other governments, such as the Greek one that supported them.
– Discrediting scientists who disagreed
– Silencing any dissenting opinion, including even those who released official CDC data.

So far the Twitter archives have focused on evidence of Twitter's secret blacklists. how the company functioned as a kind of subsidiary of the US government agencies that directed the propaganda, while the executives of the former management of Twitter (for facebook etc. no word on what they did in cooperation with the various domestic "trash") rewrote the rules of the platform to satisfy their own political desires.

Therefore, today's tweet by Elon Musk has a special edge in the context of the liberation of Humanity to be able to listen to all opinions.

International power centers consider hearing a different point of view as  "brainwashing"  and hearing only hers as a "victory for Democracy".

Thucydides was right, in times of great moral collapse they change the meaning of words...





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