Diligent Detective facing persecution for investigating vaccine status of mothers whose infants died suddenly

Diligent Detective facing persecution for investigating vaccine status of mothers whose infants died suddenly

Ottawa detective faces professional misconduct charges for investigating a string of sudden infant deaths, despite that being her legally mandated job description.

Ottawa detective Helen Grus, a constable by rank, faces charges of misconduct nearly a year after being suspended after she began investigating the vaccination status of a string of mothers whose babies died suddenly.

Questioning the safety and efficacy of the novel injections was taboo when Grus initially launched her investigations but is proving to be highly relevant as information continues to come out.

Oddly, the Ottawa Police Services (OPS) are dragging their feet on the disclosure and evidence items against Grus despite officer suspensions being typically reserved for severe circumstances like assault, abuse, neglect, etcetera. One would think they would have the documentation necessary to proceed.

In a hearing yesterday morning, defense lawyer Bath-Sheba Van den Berg noted the importance of all the disclosure being obtained before proceeding further.

Counsel Van den Berg said that only two of five requested disclosure items were obtained and that a third was finally accessed, but there was an additional request submitted. Out of six disclosure items total, only three have been acquired.

As a result, Van den Berg intends to file a motion to have withheld disclosure and evidence against Grus finally released.

The disclosure is to be released by December 29 with submissions and responses to follow by the end of the first week of January.

Prior to the charges launched against Grus, she was a well-respected detective within the OPS’ Sexual Assault Child Abuse unit. The unit is mandated by law to investigate all incidences of sudden and unexplained death in newborns, infants and children under the age of five.

And Grus is facing allegations of professional misconduct by the professional standards unit at the OPS for doing just that.

Grus began investigating nine instances of otherwise healthy infants who died suddenly by probing the vaccination status of the parents.

It is alleged that prior to being suspended with pay on February 4, Grus was part of a group of officers that were suspended without pay a few days earlier for failing to disclose private medical information as part of the OPS’ COVID-19 vaccination policy.

Independent journalist and former Toronto police detective Donald Best has been following the case closely since its inception.

Best asserts that Grus is being persecuted for political reasons and as per his inside sources, many within the OPS are displeased with the witch hunt launched against her.

The question remains: could Grus have been onto something?

We now know that the mRNA injections do not stay in the shoulder as previously asserted by individuals vested in dismantling “vaccine misinformation.”

It’s now well documented that the injections have a biodistribution mechanism, as evidenced by the JAMA study showing mRNA in the milk of breastfeeding mothers.

Immunologist and virologist Byram Bridle tried to alert the public to this unknown phenomenon in May 2021 before he was slandered, smeared, and censored.

As of November 25, there were at least 659 cases where COVID-19 vaccine exposure via breastmilk was cited for adverse events.

If Grus’ suspicions were correct and she was upholding her duty to conduct true detective work, she should be hailed for her efforts – not persecuted and vilified.


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