Australian Government Department of Health has no record of a “COVID-19 virus” isolated/purified from any human on the planet
A colleague in New Zealand, myself, and other (mostly anonymous) helpers have submitted Freedom of Information requests to various institutions in various countries seeking records that describe the isolation aka purification of “SARS-COV-2” (the alleged “COVID-19 virus”) from an unadulterated sample taken from a diseased patient.
The reason for these requests is that without this purification step having been performed (followed by controlled experiments and other necessary steps), there is no way to claim scientifically that the alleged “novel coronavirus” blamed for widespread death/disease/lockdown measures actually exists.
Without this step having been performed, and followed by the necessary controlled experiments, and independently replicated, all claims of this alleged virus are nothing but wild, unscientific, fraud-based speculation backed only by fraudulent science, fraudulent tests and fraudulent diagnoses.
Our requests were intentionally worded to weed out the fraudulent, illogical and unscientific claims of having “isolated SARS-COV-2”, of which there are many (see examples here and here and here).
Our requests were not limited to records of purification performed by the respective institution, and not limited to records authored by the respective institution, rather they were open to records of isolation aka purification performed by anyone, anywhere on the planet.
Colleagues in numerous other countries have obtained responses to the same and similar information requests from dozens of additional institutions.
As of July 26, 2021 86 institutions and offices in 23 different countries have responded to said requests. Every institution has failed to provide, or cite, even 1 record describing the actual isolation/purification of any “SARS-COV-2” from a patient sample by anyone, anywhere on the planet, ever.
The collection includes responses from other Australian institutions that are not listed on this page that you are currently on (the Peter Doherty Institute for Infection and Immunity and the Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation – CSIRO).
All of these world-wide responses are available from this page.
Our wish is that this scientific fraud will be exposed for all the world to see, and that individuals responsible/complicit in the global “COVID-19” crime against humanity will be held accountable to the fullest extent lawfully possible.
My colleague in NZ submitted the same formal records request to the Australian Government Department of Health under Australia’s Freedom of Information Act 1982, and obtained a response from the Legal Advice & Legislation Branch of the Department of Health.
Before we get to the response provided by the Australian Government Department of Health, I invite you to take a look at their website (fyi, as of Feb. 15 2021 this link is not broken despite WordPress indicating otherwise). Straight away you can clearly see that these people are all over the “COVID-19” situation.
Right on their homepage they’ve got a COVIDSafe app, links to the latest “COVID-19” news, key “COVID-19” facts and figures, “COVID-19” statements, “COVID-19” outbreak information, “COVID-19” contacts and phone numbers, and answers to your “COVID-19” questions. Impressive! I mean these people are on top of it, right?

These are the people who advise the Australian government on health. Surely they have proof that “the virus” has been isolated in a scientific manner, since isolation is a fundamental step in showing scientifically that a new virus is causing death and disease.

Ok so let’s now have a look at the FOI response from the Legal Advice & Legislation Branch of Australia’s Department of Health.
The response was provided within the body of an unsigned email from, which is the email address for the Freedom of Information Coordinator, FOI Unit, Department of Health, as shown in the screenshot below. (You can verify this for yourself here: – fyi, as of Feb. 15 2021 this link is not broken despite WordPress indicating otherwise.)

No attachment or signed letter was provided by the Coordinator, just the unsigned email (forwarded to me by my NZ contact, who prefers to remain anonymous for now), shown in the screenshots below.
The email was too long to fit into 1 screenshot, so there are 3 screenshots posted below. The last line of the 1st and 2nd screenshots are shown again at the beginning of the screenshots that come next, so you can see that I haven’t left anything out. (I also copied and pasted the contents of the email into a Word documents and converted that to a pdf that you many view or download from here:

“The department does not hold the documents you are seeking access to.”
Another public health institution where the essential scientific step of virus isolation is simply taken as an article of faith, just like at Health Canada.
(Note that my colleague in NZ has written back to the Department’s FOI coordinator to request that their response be provided in an official, signed pdf, which will also be posted here should the Coordinator comply.)
UPDATE, September 10, 2020: Today my colleague in NZ received a formal response letter from the Principal Lawyer in the Legal Advice & Legislation Branch of the Australian Government’s Department of Health. Below is a screenshot. You may access the full letter here:

So there you have it. No records describing isolation of “the virus” from an unadulterated sample taken from a diseased patient, ever, anywhere on the planet.
Note that the Principal Lawyer included in their response a reference to an Australian paper “on the isolation of SARS-CoV-2 at VIDRL (which describes inoculation of Vero/hSLAM cells which led to the isolation of SARS-CoV-2 in culture)“. Can you spot the oxymoron?
(Note: the link to the paper is working perfectly well, even though WordPress is indicating otherwise.)
[Note: VIDRL = Victorian Infectious Diseases Reference Laboratory at the Peter Doherty Institute for Infection and Immunity (“the Doherty”).]
Below is a screenshot from the Supporting Information, 2.1–2.2 from the VIDRL/Doherty paper cited above by the Australian Department of Health. (Note: the link to the supporting information is working perfectly well, even though WordPress is indicating otherwise.)

And what are Vero/hSLAM cells? Below is a description provided by a supplier, Sigma Aldrich.

So the researchers at the Victorian Infectious Diseases Reference Laboratory performed the usual “monkey business” of mixing a patient sample with kidney cells from an African green monkey and fetal bovine serum (both are sources of genetic contamination), and antibiotics. They then attributed any toxic effects to “the virus” that they assumed was in the patient sample, but never actually looked for or found in the patient sample. Their conviction that “the virus” was in the patient sample was based on completely meaningless PCR “testing” (more on PCR tests below).
Note that “the Doherty”, home of VIDRL where “the virus” was alleged to have been isolated, has also admitted in response to an FOI request that they too have no record of “SARS-COV-2” isolation:
One of the places that the fake VIDRL/Doherty “SARS-VOV-2 isolate” was shipped to was Australia’s Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO), where researchers set about using it in “vaccine” development.
CSIRO has also admitted to having no record of any “SARS-COV-2” isolation:
As they say, “you can’t make this stuff up”.
January 5 2021 update:
A former Senior Scientist with 35 years experience at Health Canada, Saeed Qureshi, PhD, has written a review, dated November 1st, 2020, of the above VIDRL/Doherty “isolation” study cited by the Australian Department of Health (below is a screenshot):
Isolation and characterization of the virus (SARS-CoV-2) – be watchful of false claims and twisted scientific presentations.

(This next section re Dr. Cowan was added on May 1, 2021.)
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