USA: Republicans secure control of House "Once we take control of Congress, 'not one cent' will be sent to Ukraine"


USA: Republicans secure control of House "Once we take control of Congress, 'not one cent' will be sent to Ukraine"…

The Republican party regained control of the House of Representatives after a long process of counting votes in the midterm elections of November 8, and as a result they will be able to prevent the Biden administration from implementing its program, which is destructive for the USA and the planet.

The Republicans have secured the required 218 seats with 6 more seats to be decided to know exactly what their majority will be.

Where the Biden administration is expected to take the biggest hit is in its policy on Ukraine, a policy that has brought the world to the brink of nuclear war.

A few days ago in a public speech the top Republican official, Georgia congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Green made it clear that once the Republican party takes control of Congress, "not one cent" will be sent to Ukraine.

"We cannot guard Ukraine's borders at the same time as leaving our southern borders unguarded. We cannot show interest in Ukraine while the American people are suffering. Once we take control of Congress, 'not one cent' is going to be sent to Ukraine”…

The same yesterday, after the revelation that the missiles that hit Polish territory and killed two people were Ukrainian, and clearly disgusted with V. Zelensky who tried to present the missiles as... Russian, quoting the relevant  video of Zelensky, she  announced that she will request administrative audit for every dollar sent to Ukraine. She specifically wrote in successive messages on her  personal Twitter account :

“The missile attack that killed two innocent people in Poland was likely by Ukrainian air defenses.

We must stop letting Zelensky demand money and weapons from US taxpayers while he tries to drag us into World War III.

No more money in Ukraine.
It is time to end this war and demand peace.

I am calling for an audit of all US aid and funding to Ukraine.

The American people deserve to know how their money is being spent to defend another nation's borders, while the Biden regime ignores the threat to our national security every day at our borders."

The Republicans did not manage to get a majority in the Senate either, but they actually got a majority in the 35 seats that were up for election. In those that they lost, they lost by narrow margins.

It is noted that all bills after the House of Representatives must also be approved by the Senate, which is the highest legislative body (in Russia, the corresponding body is the Upper House, or Federation Council of Russia).

In addition to being able to stop the implementation of Mr. Biden's agenda, the Republicans will also gain the ability to begin conducting various potentially politically bloody investigations of the American President himself and his family.

The Democratic defeat in the lower House takes away some of the power of Mr. Biden, who has already expressed his willingness to work with the GOP by saying he is open to all "good ideas." During a press conference after the election, however, he noted that " the American people have made it clear, I think, that they expect the Republicans (…) to also show a willingness to cooperate."



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