The elite demand 'Covid No Pursuit' as the public turn on them - We respond we want Nuremberg2!


The elite demand 'Covid No Pursuit' as the public turn on them - We respond we want Nuremberg2!


The elite demand 'Covid No Pursuit' as the public turn on them - We respond we want Nuremberg2!

As the world continues to wake up to the crimes of the globalist elite and public outrage worsens, the elite are trying to push the idea of ​​a "Covid amnesty" for the decision makers who destroyed millions of lives by imposing draconian lockdowns, face masks on children, and lethal vaccine mandates .

According to a viral article in the well-known Atlantic magazine that has a eugenic history, the elite, including Drs. Anthony Fauci, Bill Gates and Joe Biden to name a few… she  should be granted amnesty against prosecution  as more and more evidence of outright  criminality mounts . they keep surfacing.

It seems that the elite know that the dam wall of fraud is about to burst and their plan-demic crimes will be exposed to the world. And the elite rightly fear that the masses are waking up, waking up and rising up against them.

Given all that we have experienced in recent years, we are really expected to pardon the elite who, time and time again, have been proven to be tyrannical at best, and in many cases, outright criminals! Of course not!

 Monday 's  viral  Atlantic piece  calling for amnesty for the criminals of humanity—subject to thousands of outraged tweets and TikToks and columns like this—  we have declared that we will not be satisfied with the punishment of one or two individuals but will demand the conviction of all who took part in the crime , from the first politician to the last journalist and doctor.

The article begins like this:

These precautions (masks) were completely wrong. In April 2020, no one contracted the coronavirus by walking past someone else. Outdoor transmission was extremely rare. Our cloth masks made from old bandanas wouldn't do anything, anyway. But the point is that we didn't know.

But we knew and shouted it through dozens of studies that showed the obvious, so the article tries to justify the unjustified!

The article continues on to vaccines:

Another example: When the vaccines came out, we didn't have definitive data on the relative effectiveness of the Johnson & Johnson vaccine versus the mRNA options from Pfizer and Moderna. mRNA vaccines have won. But at the time, many people in public health were either neutral or expressed a J&J preference. This mistake was not malicious. It was the result of uncertainty.

mRNA vaccines have not won anything, but they have managed to harm a lot of people with serious side effects. Again, we knew this through research and statistics, which you threatened to examine and not force us to give your injections, so the article again tries to justify the unjustifiable!

The article goes on to say: “ Given the uncertainty, almost every position has been taken on every issue. And in every matter, someone is eventually proven right and someone else is proven wrong. In some cases, the right people were right for the wrong reasons. In other cases, they had a prescient understanding of the available information. "

However, the only thing that proved is that all of us "extreme right" "uneducated" dangerous religious people, people were right in everything!

The article concludes by saying:

We must declare a pandemic amnesty. We can leave out the willful purveyors of real misinformation while forgiving the tough calls people had no choice but to make with imperfect knowledge  –  But we must learn from our mistakes and then let them go. We must also forgive the attacks.  Because I believed schools should reopen and argued that children as a group were not at high risk, I was called a "teacher killer" and "genocide." It wasn't pleasant, but emotions were high. And I certainly don't need to analyze and rehash that time for the rest of my days. "

We will not forgive and we will ask for a trial similar to that of Nuremberg but even bigger, on a global scale, so that evil can be fought at its root and cannot harm humanity again.




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