Something terrible is happening with newborn deaths and miscarriages... and we can't stop pretending to be idiots!

Something terrible is happening with newborn deaths and miscarriages... and we can't stop pretending to be idiots!

This year has been very strange and mysterious from a scientific point of view, as science, which has largely been replaced by religion, has its own mysteries... This year we see the highest excess mortality rate than any other year and this is not due to in no pandemic.

This is not only the case in excess mortality rates but also in miscarriages and infant deaths which have  skyrocketed  to alarming numbers . It also does not happen only in one country, it happens all over  the world at the same time and mainly in the western nations . 

So logic says that there must be some kind of common factor, that something like this happens, it's not like "science can't explain how birth rates have fallen off the cliff...

In September last year, Scotland saw a 123% increase in newborn deaths, and at the time saw fit to do some  research to find out what was causing this huge increase . After Public Health Scotland did the research, guess what they found…. NOTHING!

And how do they find out since they decided not to do any research on the vaccination status of the mothers, due to the now well-known  criminal  excuse that it: "could be used to damage vaccine confidence at this critical time".

Related:  Huge rise in deaths across Europe – 'experts' look for way to justify mystery…

They stated that there was absolutely nothing to do with vaccines –  WITHOUT even checking if any of the dead baby mothers had been vaccinated or not . There is no need for testing according to the experts since they have already decided that the vaccine is completely safe and effective.

This is not science it is obscurantism!

In the USA alone there has been a huge increase in VAERS miscarriage reports by…  4070% more than normal  – SOMETHING IS GOING ON HERE AND IT DOESN'T TAKE US TO PRETEND STUPIDS ANYMORE!

The same was true of period problems in women, an  astronomical 31 020% increase  in reports of period bleeding. That is, we are talking about a 310 times increase!

Climate change hoaxers often talk about "overpopulation" and that we need to have fewer children to save the planet, but the fact is that we are facing an underpopulation crisis in Europe. Many countries in the West have such low fertility rates that there will soon be a population collapse! 

Which means: We need more babies to be born, not less !

Related:  Masks fall: Le Monde calls for population reduction and eugenics!

Although in Europe we have always had low birth rates, they have been relatively stable. But now that number has collapsed this year and no one seems to be able to figure out why!

This is a drastic and noticeable reduction beyond the usual. We've never seen anything like this before, something terrible is happening out there ," Gunnar Andersson, professor of demography at Stockholm University  told  Dagens Nyheter through a study .

Of course they have all kinds of stupid guesses as to what the explanation might be…

The city of Stockholm speculates that it could be due to rising house prices causing anxiety, worry about the future or the financial crisis of 2008! Oops, what? Does the financial crisis of 2008 cause a sudden collapse in the birth rate from 2021 to 2022? Ok…according to them, it makes perfect sense…no!

This does not only happen in Sweden. It's happening in all countries in Europe and beyond... Taiwan for example has seen  an impressive 27.66% drop  in birth rate for the month of June this year. 

So what could be causing the birth rate to drop in such a way around the world at the same time?

According to official science, literally everything... except their perfectly safe and effective experimental formulation!

See also:  Shocking evidence shows that there was a pre-planned "euthanasia" of elderly people in care homes to attribute the deaths to Covid-19!




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