SCARY VIDEO: Canadian government lawyer COLLAPSES while speaking – He had been vaccinated…

SCARY VIDEO: Canadian government lawyer COLLAPSES while speaking – He had been vaccinated…

...and he was proud of it!!! SCREAMS OF FEAR in the hall!!! He was involved in a process against freedom...

A Canadian government lawyer leading a public inquiry on behalf of the Trudeau junta into the "Freedom Convoy" trucker protests against vaccine and  COVID-19 jailbreaks suddenly collapsed Wednesday, sparking alarm and temporarily derailing the procedure.

Gabriel Poliquin was questioning Mario Di Tommaso, Ontario's deputy attorney general, during a Public Order Emergency Committee hearing when the disturbing incident happened live.

Poliquin was standing on the podium asking Di Tommaso a question when he tried to open a bottle of water but then collapsed and fell to the floor with screams of panic echoing through the room!!!

While Poliquin was treated by emergency personnel, immediate reports noted that his current condition is "unclear."

"The paramedics came in on a wheeled stretcher and after a few minutes left carrying Poliquin, who was conscious and standing," the Toronto Star reported.

It's also unclear what exactly caused the lawyer's sudden decline, a trend seen all too often in the wake of the Covid-19 vaccine launch.

Posts on social media indicate that Poliquin has indeed received multiple shots for Covid, with a post on Twitter proudly showing it off!!!

He has a Ukrainian flag on his profile!!!




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