Mandatory health certificate for the next pandemic, the G20 decided: "This is the only way you will move freely"


Mandatory health certificate for the next pandemic, the G20 decided: "This is the only way you will move freely"


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 The new global digital health certificate for the next pandemic is coming. This is the conclusion of the  20 meeting as announced by Indonesian Health Minister Budi Gunadi Sadikin, speaking on behalf of the meeting.

The logic behind a digital Global Health Certificate (GHC) as mentioned by Sadikin is as follows:

Instead of the global economy "collapsing" from the next pandemic and  lockdowns ,  we say move freely but only with the PPE which will be given under WHO guidelines.

The Indonesian Minister of Health said that this will be given to   those who are vaccinated or tested "properly" in order to be able to move freely.

This way the global economy will not... "collapse" according to the G20.

It is now self-evident that  COVID- 19 was a  test case to  prepare the ground and prepare global public opinion for the permanent implementation of Global Health Certificates as there will be no shortage of pandemics. These are easily created.

The goal is for every person, in addition to the "digital wallet" of K. Pierrakakis (let's not forget this) to bring the PPY.

The obedience of the people to accept these changes will be easy as they are enthralled and excited by the "dazzle" in the "shine" of their new cell phones and will willingly accept any new ban as long as they have it on their cell phone. It will be something like a game.

A somewhat more vaguely worded version of these recommendations was included in the G20 leaders' official statement, which calls for digital COVID-19 certificates, or often simply called vaccine passports.

The section of the final communiqué, which is republished and available on the White House website,  dealing with vaccines and the Covid-19 pandemic states: 

"We recognize that widespread vaccination against COVID-19 is a global public good and will promote every effort to ensure timely, equitable and universal access to safe, affordable, quality and effective vaccines, therapeutics and diagnostic tests"

While outlining the need for greater cooperation between nations during any  future response to the pandemic , he goes on to state:

“We remain committed to integrating a multi-sectoral approach to One Health and to strengthening global surveillance, including genomic surveillance, to detect pathogens and antimicrobial resistance. AMR) that can threaten human health'

At the same time, article 24 of the G20's final statement mentions what we mentioned above since they are no longer hiding either:

"The COVID-19 pandemic has accelerated the transformation of the digital ecosystem and digital economy."

And then it states:

"We recognize the importance of tackling disinformation campaigns, cyber threats, online abuse and ensuring connectivity infrastructure is secure."

So, as predicted by many early in the pandemic (all of whom were dismissed and condemned as “conspiracy theorists”), a future proposed standardized vaccine passport will be accompanied by efforts for greater standardization and policing against “misinformation” – likely to include any speech criticizing the kind of regime the G20 leaders wish to implement.

See also



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