German writer explains: "Why tyrannical measures and terrorism against the unvaccinated must never be forgotten"!


German writer explains: "Why tyrannical measures and terrorism against the unvaccinated must never be forgotten"!

A writer in " Welt " has compiled a collection of statements of hatred of the German authorities and society and calls for a comprehensive revision. As he writes in the article, these crimes should never be forgotten!

A year ago the "tyranny of the unvaccinated" began, they became the most hated people in Germany and were excluded from society. The politicians who outdid each other with proposals and demands to punish those who were unwilling to be vaccinated were responsible for this. To this day, the unvaccinated wait in vain for an apology or correction of these unspoken statements.

The quotes in the Welt article " We must talk about the 'tyrants of the unvaccinated'" hidden  behind the paywall – Those who refer to them, when you view their statements, present it as " disinformation ", "an enemy list" or "manhunt". That is exactly what they did themselves...

They tend to distort reality by presenting themselves as victims. The kick-off for the anti-vaccination smear campaign was likely given by Frank Ulrich Montgomery, vice-president of the World Medical Association Council, when he referred to "tyranny of the unvaccinated over the vaccinated" on Ann Will 's program in November 2021 – with particular emphasis on  term "tyranny ". Except it was never the unvaccinated who tyrannized. But the vaccinated.

Hate, agitation, exclusion

The culprits for the alleged pandemic were immediately found, and from then on, all parties in power united against those who did not want to be vaccinated. CDU politician Tobias Hans  said: "It is important to send a clear message to the unvaccinated:  You are now out of social life."  Marie   -Agnes Strack-Zimmermann (FDP) had said:  "The unvaccinated should not terrorize the majority as a tragic minority." Karl Lauterbach (SPD)  claimed: "The whole country has been held hostage by these unconscious people." The recommendation of the then Berlin Senator  for Health Dilek Kalayci (SPD):  It was to have contact only with vaccinated people!

As a result of this, unvaccinated people will not receive  wages in quarantine , doctors do not want to treat them, the  Association of Doctors of Compulsory Health Insurance in Berlin  has called for a nationwide lockdown for unvaccinated people only, an obligation for mass vaccinations and cost-sharing of vaccinated people in hospital services. Since of course the unvaccinated were allegedly responsible for the  overload in the clinics .

They imposed " emergency lockdowns " for the unvaccinated, they  were excluded with 2G rules,  they only had access to the town hall and supermarkets. Even unvaccinated children were not spared after the vaccine for young ages was approved in August 2022. Unvaccinated students  were banned from universities  and  unvaccinated homeless people were no longer allowed to  warm themselves in subway stations .

Malu Dreyer (SPD)  had said that the unvaccinated "shouldn't celebrate Christmas at all", even attending the Christmas service was not possible for the unvaccinated, even  buying a Christmas  tree  the unvaccinated had an exception.

The left and liberal arts department, instead of standing by them , said that "discrimination against unvaccinated people is morally justified".

What is the account?

Although it has long been proven that the much-hyped vaccines, which were supposed to justify the exclusion of unvaccinated people, do not protect against transmission or disease, this is no longer a matter of public debate, and the peddlers of hate speech need not fear the consequences.

Regrets and even apologies are certainly not expected. Instead, they repeatedly present themselves as victims and describe their collection of inhuman statements as "science" or even "moral responsibility" despite the fact that they destroyed everything. The "Welt" commentator closes the article by saying that this shows how urgent the need is to reassess values ​​regarding the future because there is a risk that climate change will be repeated with justification this time. 

The fact that a "Welt" commentator denounces tyranny and racism against the unvaccinated is  described as if it only happened in Germany.  However, exactly the same happened in many western countries and even worse in Greece.

Will terror return against "climate sinners"?

With the spread of fear and panic – in this case of a supposedly deadly virus – civil liberties could be massively curtailed – and a legal mandatory requirement of all vaccinations was almost established.

What does the ignorance and cover-up of these crimes mean for the future?

Is it possible under the guise of alleged anthropogenic climate change  that they will do the same in the near future?  There are already many willing and fanatical climate advocates.

Even the WEF recently admitted: The coronavirus was a test run – climate terrorism will follow... Yuval Noah Harari: " The world's tolerance of Covid measures, makes us open to extreme ideas on how to deal with climate change ".

If the establishment does not change its ideas, if there are no punishments for all these crimes that continue even today. It is mathematically certain that not only will it happen again in the future, but the next time it will be much worse.




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