Covid Scam: How the biggest crime in history was set up


Covid Scam: How the biggest crime in history was set up

The Finnish Institute of Health exposes the big fraud – 40% of deaths from Covid19 were not related to the corona virus

THE deliberately planned covid 19 pandemic started in mid-February 2020 causing mass hysteria in the world to this day.
THE terror took flesh and blood when a mathematician named Ferguson, who worked at Imperial College London, predicted that 600,000 people could die in the UK alone. There was talk of millions of patients falling ill in Britain and hospitals around the world being overwhelmed by the sick.
The media drove the panic, as… usual, and within days people were canceling holidays, buying toilet paper, soap and loaves of bread.
Britons always buy toilet rolls, soap and loaves of bread in times of crisis.
The stock market suffered a nervous breakdown and crashed, as it always does at such times, and the Wizard called Ferguson was everywhere giving interviews and simply sharing his gloomy predictions.
As he writes Vernon Kollman in February 2020 the whole… farce could be part of a plan for the introduction of compulsory vaccination.
When he looked at the evidence available, it was immediately obvious that something was wrong. He expressed my doubts at and pointed out that according to the WHO it was not unusual for 650,000 people to die from the flu in a single season.
He started looking for a hidden agenda and came up with a specific..
On March 2 he pointed out that the mortality figures being reported were incorrect because authorities were only identifying people who had the disease and were being treated in hospital. They didn’t count the thousands of people who had the disease, but only had mild symptoms. He pointed out that if 1,000 people go to their doctor with the flu and one patient dies then the death rate is 0.1%, but if another 9,000 people have the flu but don’t see their doctor then the death rate is 0.01%.
Predictions indicated that governments would use the crisis to create a cashless society and to get rid of the elderly.
On March 3, 2020, everyone was warning that the compulsory vaccination.

Panic, panic, panic…

Panic grew and people started walking around with plastic “boxes” on their heads and masks.
Within days, doctors everywhere were warning that the elderly would have to be left to die in order to clear the… hospital beds, said one commenter.
Many scientists who christened them conspiracy theorists… insisted that the coronavirus is not going to kill us all.
They then recalled the case of bird flu and swine flu. They had dismissed the horror stories about these two diseases at the time, but the authorities had made dramatic claims.
THE WHO had claimed that bird flu it would kill up to 150 million people. In the end, bird flu killed fewer than 500.
The UK government claimed the country’s flu killed 65,000 in 2009 and spent £500 million on drugs that had to be thrown away.
Again, the death toll fell short of 500.
The wildly inaccurate predictions in question had been made by Professor Ferguson’s Imperial College London – a college with financial ties to the vaccine- loving the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.
Ferguson had also made absurdly inaccurate predictions about mad angel disease – he had predicted that up to 150,000 people could die, but the total ended up being 177.
And it was Imperial College that made dire predictions about foot-and-mouth disease. Ferguson’s predictions, later described as seriously flawed, led to the unnecessary killing of six million animals and cost the UK £10 billion.
Even though they knew all this, his governments UK and USA and, indeed, much of the rest of the world, heard Ferguson’s predictions, embraced them with enthusiasm, and introduced lockdowns and social distancing.
The rules introduced were unspeakably stupid, incomprehensible and indefensible. The whole world seemed to be run by the governments idea of ​​keeping people confused almost suicidal by constantly saying that everything worked out perfectly fine.
The researchers then claimed that a skin rash was another sign of Covid-19. Apparently 8.8% of patients with a positive Covid-19 test also have a rash. No one in the government realized that the rashes were probably caused by the disinfectant liquid that everyone was forced to use in absurd amounts.
And we are still living a manufactured nightmare..

The Finnish Institute of Health exposes the big fraud – 40% of deaths from Covid19 were not related to the corona virus

THE Finland became one of the first countries to reveal shocking evidence as evidence “shows”, government agencies around the world they committed fraud in the death reports from Covid during the pandemic.
THE report sheds a lot of light on how public health services around the world… are over-hyping “Covid-related deaths” in order to cause mass hysteria.
According to Sirkka Goebeler, lead specialist at the Finnish Institute of Health and Welfare (THL), Covid-19 was not the actual cause of death in up to 40% of deaths attributed to the disease in Finland.
As a result, they will not end up in Statistics Finland’s official figures as coronavirus deaths.
As the Finnish report states, “Goebeler’s unit examines all Finnish death certificates before they are forwarded to the state statistical office.
The unit focuses on coronavirus-related death certificates where the attending physician has listed Covid as either the main or contributing cause of death.”
“The THL tally of Covid-related deaths stood at 6,407 on Tuesday – but this figure includes all deaths that occurred within 30 days of a positive coronavirus test,” the report continued.
“According to Goebeler, in nearly 4,000 of these cases, Covid is listed as the primary or immediate cause of death. In nearly 1,600 cases, the coronavirus is cited as a contributing factor.”

Shocking facts

As reported, “in approximately 900 cases originally recorded as Covid-related deaths, the actual death certificates contain no sign of coronavirus infection“, the report adds.
The Finnish report further substantiates complaints by statisticians and public health experts that there has been a failure to differentiate between Covid deaths and Covid deaths during the pandemic.
There is evidence that in the United States the confusion was deliberate to drive and perpetuate a state of public alarm and intimidation of citizens.
According to the data, around 95% of Covid deaths had multiple serious co-morbidities and the average age of death was around life expectancy.
CDC statistics show that 95% of Covid-related deaths report an average of 4 co-morbidities, with 5% reporting Covid as the only known cause of death.
Those comorbidities include cardiovascular disease (10.5%), diabetes (7.3%) and cancer (5.6%). The average age of Covid-related deaths is 77 years.
Even with the massive confusion, which is now… being corrected in Finland, Covid-related deaths amount to just 0.084% of the world’s population, which is relatively mild compared to other major global pandemics.
Finland’s statisticians have explained why the usual official way of reporting Covid deaths was grossly flawed.
“Evidence resulting as part of international comparisons may include, for example, cases where a patient had a severe heart attack before or after being infected with the coronavirus and eventually died of heart failure,” the report notes.
“Covid comorbidity may be very mild and therefore not reported as the cause of death.”
In the early stages of the pandemic, the measurement based on the time frame of 30 days was more useful, according to Goebeler. Even then, there were relatively few false positives. The median age of those who died after testing positive for the coronavirus has risen since last spring from 84 to 85.
The median age for men is 81, while for women it is 87.
“Most deaths now occur at the end of the natural life cycle,” Goebeler said.
“You can count on the fingers of one hand the number of patients under 60 who have died solely from Covid since last March,” he added.
It was an appropriate question at the time. The answer is simple:
Public health experts were deliberately trying to induce a state of panic during his pandemic Covid. “Experts” rigged the Covid debate and the American public is now demanding accountability.

The article is in Greek

Tags: Covid Scam biggest crime history set




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