The reformed CDC will pass a law permanently shielding Pfizer and Moderna from liability for their vaccine side effects!

The reformed CDC will pass a law permanently shielding Pfizer and Moderna from liability for their vaccine side effects!

After the hearing on COVID in the European Parliament where the deputy director of PFIZER admitted : That the vaccine has  never been tested to prevent transmission US senators are preparing to bring to justice the executives of Pfizer, but also the European Public Prosecutor's Office (EPPO) which stated that an investigation is underway into the secret agreements of the vaccines, headed by the Von De Leyen Commission and the pharmaceutical company Pfizer!     

The orderly CDC  is supposed to protect us, not the drug companies. will convene this week to vote on permanent legal coverage for damages from Pfizer and Moderna, through a tri…

By adding vaccines to the  childhood schedule , the CDC's Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) will shift responsibility for vaccine injuries to the federal government's National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program (VICP), allowing Pfizer and Moderna to eventually bring a FDA-approved vaccine on the market without being able to sue them. Additionally, it will act as yet another windfall for companies that have already made hundreds of billions of dollars in revenue by  requiring these vaccinations for children who attend public schools .

In March 2020, the federal government invoked the  PREP Act  , which gave Pfizer and Moderna a “non-prosecution” shield due to a declared “public health emergency,” which the government is expected to revoke in early 2023.

A draft  agenda released by the CDC  shows what will be on the agenda for Wednesday and Thursday's meetings.

The  Health Resources & Services Administration  has clarified what must happen for a vaccine to become liability-free:

"For a vaccine to be covered, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) must recommend the class of vaccine for routine administration to children or pregnant women, and it must be subject to a federal excise tax."

The Dossier has reported extensively on the concerted effort by Big Pharma and the Biden Administration to delay the launch of an FDA-approved COVID vaccine, with legal experts suspecting the process is in place to shield Pfizer and Moderna from legal action. liability in vaccine injuries. 

Once launched as a treatment for the coronavirus, the new mRNA vaccines ended in catastrophic failure, with a side effect profile higher than projected. Thanks to a fraudulent, misleading marketing campaign, aided by top federal officials and high-profile pharmaceutical executives, pharmaceutical companies and the federal government convinced millions to take shots that were far more dangerous (especially for young men) and far less effective than what they claimed.

During this fraud, Pfizer and Moderna have raked in hundreds of billions of dollars without any accountability, enriching their executives and board members beyond their wildest dreams. Thanks to Big Pharma's successful takeover of Government Health and the willing compliance of corrupt bureaucrats, it appears that the drug cartel will no longer have any responsibility when it comes to compensating the countless people around the world who have been harmed by their junk products.




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