Senators Prepare to Impeach Pfizer Executives After 'Bombshell' Confession Shows Covid Vaccine Fraud!

Senators Prepare to Impeach Pfizer Executives After 'Bombshell' Confession Shows Covid Vaccine Fraud!

Senators Prepare to Impeach Pfizer Executives After 'Bombshell' Confession Shows Covid Vaccine Fraud!

"This has now been proven to be a big scam." This is how Rob Roos, a member of the European Parliament from the Netherlands, described  a Pfizer executive's video confession  that the company had no proof that its mRNA "vaccines" were able to stop the transmission of Covid. 

Albert Bourla, CEO of Pfizer,  pulled  out of a scheduled Oct. 10 hearing before the same Covid-19 committee that made the recent bombshell revelation. The hearing was about an  audit report  on the EU's vaccine supply strategy for COVID-19, reports

Dutch MEP Roos  appeared  on "Tucker Carlson Tonight" on Tuesday and further referred to "one of the biggest scandals of our time."

"This has huge implications," he said. “Governments have pushed millions of people around the world to get vaccinated by telling them to do it for grandma. Perfectly healthy young people [were] forced to take this jab using false arguments.”

"Our government loves to talk about institutional discrimination," Ross added. “But this was real institutional discrimination. Many countries, such as the USA and Italy, have made mandatory vaccine mandates for certain occupations. Many people lost their jobs, their livelihoods, their businesses because they resisted. 

Austria even had a lockout for the unvaccinated for this reason. The government literally imprisoned people in their homes. All of this was based on the idea that vaccination helped prevent the spread of the virus. Otherwise there would be no reason for people to be outside society?'

"This has now been proven to be a big scam," he said. “Even Pfizer's president-international market development admits there was no scientific basis to say vaccination would stop transmission of the virus. And I think this is one of the biggest scandals of all time. The politicians responsible for this will be angry that the world now knows and I will not forget what they did to millions of people, if we are a democracy we should be held accountable."

Senators publicly call for Big Pharma executives to be held accountable

Republican senators are now publicly agreeing to the call to hold Big Pharma executives accountable for misleading the American people at enormous cost to their lives and livelihoods.

"Outrageous," Sen. Ted Cruz responded to the report. “These CEOs have to testify - under oath - before Congress. And everyone who lied to the American people must be held accountable."

Many politicians and public health officials lied to the American people when they claimed without evidence that vaccines stop the spread.

President Biden, Dr. Anthony Fauci, the CDC Director, and Bill Gates are just a few of the prominent voices who have misled the American people.

Sen. Cruz's demand that Big Pharma CEOs testify under oath before Congress follows Kentucky Sen. Rand Paul's promise to hold top doctor Dr. Anthony Fauci, for a similar deception against the American public.

"Fauci's resignation will not prevent a full investigation into the origins of the pandemic," Dr Paul said. "He will be asked to testify under oath about any discussions he participated in regarding the lab leak."

Senator Paul also demanded to know the National Institutes of Health's connection to Big Pharma interests that have been hidden from the public.

"But I'm telling you this," Paul warned Fauci at a hearing. “When we take over, we will change the rules and you will have to disclose where you get your rights from, which companies. And if anyone on the committee has a conflict of interest, we will know about it. I promise you.”

There are Republican members of Congress who are also ready to hold pharmaceutical companies responsible for perpetrating fraud against the American public.

Despite mounting evidence that Covid vaccines pose a significant increased risk of heart attacks in young people, the Food and Drug Administration has again granted an "Emergency Use License" to this age group to receive "boosters" for a pandemic that the president he said it was "over". 

If the pandemic is "over", there is no justification for "emergency use approval", particularly for an age group that is not at statistically significant risk from Covid.

It will take much more than simple hearings to achieve this. There must be retribution for those public health experts to be proven to have knowingly committed fraud against not only the American people but the entire planet.



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