Help us stop Trudeau from rewriting the history of the Freedom Convoy!

Public Order Emergency Commission

An independent commission of inquiry is investigating Trudeau's use of the Emergencies Act, a form of martial law he deployed to counter the peaceful truckers' protests in Ottawa and across the country.

Help us stop Trudeau from rewriting the history of the Freedom Convoy!


The Public Order Emergency Commission in Ottawa is supposed to be a reckoning for Justin Trudeau’s abusive decision to invoke martial law, send riot police to attack peaceful protesters, and seize the bank accounts of his political critics.

But Trudeau is trying to hijack the commission. He’s trying to flip it around — to put the truckers on trial. Trudeau actually wrote the rules for the commission. It’s an inside job.

Trudeau wants a do-over of the trucker convoy from earlier this year when the truckers inspired millions of Canadians to stand up and be free.


To make sure Trudeau's lapdogs in the legacy media can't rewrite history, we've launched a special project to provide the most comprehensive news coverage on the commission of any news network in Canada. You can follow all of our coverage on this page.

Here's exactly what we're going to do:

  1. We’ve rented a large Airbnb right next to the commission, to use as a studio. We’ve set up a field office and living space for our team to be in the heart of the action, just like during the Freedom Convoy.
  2. We’re rotating 15 reporters through our Ottawa HQ over the next six weeks! Over the course of the next six weeks, we’ll cycle through 15 of our reporters. Some of us may be there for the full 45 days. Some of us will be there for a few days or weeks.
  3. We’ll make sure that the other side of the story is told. That’s our whole reason for existence — to provide an alternative to the regime’s official narrative.

The truckers did what no other institution was willing to do — not the opposition parties, not the mainstream media, not any judge. They stood up to Trudeau’s bullying, his lockdowns, and his authoritarian vaccine mandates.


Renting a large Airbnb and making it into a studio is expensive — nearly $15,000 just for the rent. Plus, we need to fly in our reporters over the next six weeks. We have other costs, too, including proper equipment for our TV studio.

The total cost of this project will be $30,000 — but it could go as high as $40,000. We want to do it right.

We must stop Trudeau from smearing the truckers and whitewashing his own misconduct.

If you agree that this is vital, please donate to support our independent journalism on this page. 

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