French MP denounces that Macron and much of the French elite made fake vaccines for Covid! (video)

French MP denounces that Macron and much of the French elite made fake vaccines for Covid!  (video)

French MP denounces that Macron and much of the French elite made fake vaccines for Covid! (video)

A French MP who chose to be vaccinated against Covid-19 to set a good example suffered serious side effects involving four heart surgeries, then claimed that President Emmanuel Macron and others in the French elite have not been vaccinated against Covid-19.

According to MP Jean Lassalle, while pro-Big Pharma elites encourage the masses to get vaccinated, when it comes to their own health, they quietly choose to reject the vaccine.

“I didn't get Covid, but I had the Johnson & Johnson vaccine that almost killed me, which deformed my heart. I have already had four heart operations since January 3, 2022,”  said Lassalle.

Asked why he chose to be vaccinated and take the risk, Lassalle replied:  "Because I was a member of parliament and I didn't want to set a bad example from my position.

“But then I did not know that Mr. Macron was not vaccinated. Nor did I know that most members of the government did not get the vaccine, most of my colleagues and MPs.

"I said, 'I'm doing it because I'm famous and it's the right thing to do,'  " LaSalle said.  "But when I got sick and said it during my campaign, nobody listened."

A story we hear all the time…

It's not just France. Thousands of Europeans and elite celebrities have been accused of buying fake Covid-19 vaccine certificates to avoid the jab. Among those who have been found with fake vaccine certificates are top European singers, musicians, soccer stars, businessmen, politicians and Big Pharma executives.

In  an earlier article from May , Spanish police confirmed what many people have long suspected – that the elites, when it comes to their health, choose to reject the vaccine. The scandal involved people being added to the National Immunization Registry in exchange for money, many of these individuals were named.

Among those accused was the president of PharmaMar, José María Fernández Sousa-Faro, the largest pharmaceutical company in Spain. The company even ran a big campaign to convince the Spanish public to get vaccinated against Covid-19.

However, none of the mainstream media reported this news.

While the average European did what his government asked, followed the draconian rules and went out and vaccinated himself with experimental gene therapy biotechnology, it seems that the elite of society chose not to.

Trust between governments and ordinary citizens has collapsed. The fact that a president of a pharmaceutical company involved in Covid-19 vaccine research thought it would be harmful for himself to get vaccinated has caused many to question whether vaccinations are really necessary or safe.




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