UNREAL! Donors Exempt From Western University Vaccine Mandate

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UNREAL! Donors Exempt From Western University Vaccine Mandate


UNREAL! Donors Exempt From Western University Vaccine Mandate Join Us On Telegram and share ideas and comment without any censorship - https://t.me/frontpagenews1

this is arguably one of the most ridiculous things I've seen in a very long time. And I just wonder, just how did it get this worse and absolutely laughable in Canada? Right to the extent that even academic institutions that apparently should provide a space aimed at facilitating learning now get it completely wrong too. Apparently, by the standards of Western University in London, Ontario, the co vid science only applies to the poor and not the wealthy. In a rather absolutely shocking and funny manner, it would be interesting to know that donors and prospective donors are exempt from Western University's three dose vaccine mandate. So it turns out if you're cutting the university some cheques, science says co vid passes you by. Like really??? Ahh ahh ahh…And they expect the students and everyone else to buy that bull shit?? If I may get this right, apparently, Western University is trying to say that a prospective student is safe but once accepted, they become a health hazard. More like implying that you can't drive drunk because you are a danger to others, except if you are just mildly intoxicated, then it's okay. These guys should give me a break! Of course, the whole hypocritical bull shit is as glaring as ever. But you would later get to know what's even more baffling in today's video as we dive deeper into the discussion. But before then, please take a moment to click the subscribe button and give thumbs up for this video and our other videos. You might as well consider sharing our videos with as many people as possible. Also, don't forget to drop your opinion in the comment section below. At the same time, please, take a moment to buy us a cup of coffee to support this channel to enable us to continue to bring you the news that you won't get from the legacy media by clicking on the Thanks button down below. That said, let's quickly continue. In what appears to be more of an expensive joke and absolutely unbelievable action, the Western University located in London, Ontario, has hinted to the public that its three dose vaccination mandate apparently applies to students, staff, and visitors but those thinking of cutting a check to the university get a pass from the vaccine mandates. You would recall that as the 20 22 to 20 23 school year approaches; Western University had announced that it would be continuing to implement co vid 19 vaccine and masking requirements this September. In other words, from the first day of September, students, staff, and faculty are still required to be vaccinated against co vid 19 and to wear medical grade masks in classrooms and seminar rooms, with the exception of those presenting, performing, and or speaking to a group who can remain two meters apart. And as if that wasn't enough, the University also required that all attendees have received at least one booster shot. So, in effect, students, faculty, and staff are mandated to submit current proof of vaccination to the university by the first of October. Welcome to First Page News 🤝 We share conservative political news to inform and update you about the happening in politics and in our society that the mainstream media will rather hide from you. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sources: https://tnc.news/2022/08/27/donors-we... https://globalnews.ca/news/9077218/we...


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