SCRAP IT! - Canadians Oppose Trudeau's Bill C-11 | Front Page News

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SCRAP IT! - Canadians Oppose Trudeau's Bill C-11 | Front Page News

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SCRAP IT! - Canadians Oppose Trudeau's Bill C-11 |
Front Page News Join Us On Telegram and share ideas and comment without any censorship - Censorship is the first step on the ladder to a totalitarian state. And, of course, after it successfully happens, everything else that is synonymous with authoritarianism appears to go on from there. And before you know it, the freedom of the citizens comes crumbling down, and the respect for their rights absolutely becomes a thing of the past. But you know, time and time again, a large number of the people in Canada have made their stance known on the several moves of Justin Trudeau and the rest of his cabinet members to censor them. And yet again, that stance hasn't changed. Apparently, it would be interesting to know that a government focus group study of Canadians’ views on incoming internet regulation has found out that the majority of the citizens are actually not comfortable with the Trudeau Liberal government being able to exclusively determine what viewers should be able to view online. And, of course, I couldn't be more supportive of the cause of the majority of the people. I mean, it's clear that one of the last things most people in Canada want right now is the Trudeau Liberals controlling what the public is able to view online. But you know, there's still much more to today's story. How exactly are the Liberals doubling down on censoring Canadians? Why is the federal government so obsessed with totally controlling everything the citizens can view or do online? What is the main aim of bill c 11? Despite its potential to be a good legislation, why are so many Canadians still of the view that Justin Trudeau and his Liberal gang would most definitely still end up weaponizing the law against the citizens if its provisions aren't well further scrutinized? All of these and more will be discussed in today's video on another discussion of the hypocrisy of the Trudeau Liberals. So stay around and watch the video till the end. In a rather interesting manner, a government focus group study of Canadians’ perspectives on the incoming internet regulation has revealed that most people in Canada are not comfortable with the fact that the Trudeau Liberal government would be in exclusive charge of determining what Canadian viewers should be able to view online. To that effect, a two point four million dollar study was apparently conducted by The Strategic Counsel and surveyed people in Ontario, Quebec, British Columbia, and Sask. When consulted about bill C 11, which apparently aims to regulate digital content providers, most participants reportedly informed pollsters that they want to be in control of their own viewing options. Giving it a short description, bill C 11 is arguably an initiative of the Trudeau Liberal government that is all about amending Canada’s broadcasting laws to allow it to regulate streaming services such as Netflix as well as social media sites like YouTube, Spotify, and TikTok. Its aims are, in part, to promote Canadian content on these services and provide more funding for such content. Welcome to First Page News 🤝 We share conservative political news to inform and update you about the happening in politics and in our society that the mainstream media will rather hide from you. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sources: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #trudeau #canada #frontpagenews


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