OMG! Trudeau Blames Climate Change For Canadians Anger 🥺 | Front Page News

OMG! Trudeau Blames Climate Change For Canadians Anger 🥺 | Front Page News


OMG! Justin Trudeau Blame Climate Change For Canadians Anger 🥺 | Front Page News Join Us On Telegram and share ideas and comment without any censorship - Hi viewers, I hope you all are doing great today. Well, I bet this might be one of the funniest stuff you will hear today. And it's that Canada's Justin Trudeau apparently came out to the public to boldly blame the frustrations of struggling Canadians on climate change and transformations of the economy” among other things. And, of course, just as usual, every other thing is always a reason for the Trudeau Liberal government's failure except their own narcissistic policies. Apparently, Trudeau would never blame his policies or the liberal agenda for the messed up mental health of most Canadians who had once trusted so much in his government to deliver and raise the bar higher. And you know what? 
There's just something that's always mind boggling about Justin Trudeau, and that's if this guy is actually out of touch in the real sense with what the majority of the Canadian populace is going through, or he's always pretending to be. I mean, I'm just really disappointed and tired of hearing this kind of nauseating bosh from Trudeau. You know, it’s always like he puts words in Canadians' mouths with how insulting he always is with Canadians' intelligence. Of course, a whole lot of Canadians know the game, and it won’t work. 
 But I guess Justin Trudeau can keep it up; He can keep avoiding the issue of his tyrannical and frustrating leadership and blame climate change instead. Housing costs are on the rise, and groceries have tripled in price, but it's summer, and it's been hot out, like every other year, so it's definitely climate change that's the cause for all of that. Really? Trudeau has got to be kidding a lot of people right now. This guy doesn't seem to even have a clue. But it's not really surprising, you know. Of course, linking everything to climate change seems to be Justin Trudeau's apparently tiresome way of deflecting from real issues. 
 So, in what sounds rather funny and definitely annoying at the same time, it would be interesting to know that earlier on Wednesday, while announcing a two billion dollar housing plan at a press conference together with Minister of Housing and Diversity and Inclusion Ahmed Hussen, Justin Trudeau publicly blamed the frustrations of struggling Canadians on rather ridiculous reasons such as climate change, economic transformation, co vid 19 pandemic amongst others.
 Apparently, a reporter had asked Justin Trudeau what his thoughts were on the reasons behind the rise in threats that politicians are facing. And he answered; " people are hurting. People are hurting because of all these things we’re going through." Welcome to First Page News 🤝 We share conservative political news to inform and update you about the happening in politics and in our society that the mainstream media will rather hide from you. -----------------------------------------------------------------Sources: ----------------------------------------------------------------- #trudeau #canada #frontpagenews


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