Lock Him Up: Politico Article Summarizes How Bill Gates Hijacked Healthcare into a Global Script

Lock Him Up: Politico Article Summarizes How Bill Gates Hijacked Healthcare into a Global Script

Published September 21, 2022




 Four bad non-profits held the world hostage by basically laundering money to usher in draconian policies.

• Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation

• Gavi - Aligned with Bill Gates

• The Wellcome Foundation - a British research foundation

• CEPI - founded by Gates and the Wellcome foundation

They spent $8.3 million to lobby for certain policies in the United States and Europe. At the same time, these groups gave $1.4 BILLION to the World Health Organization.

Dr. Naomi Wolf: "Every single wrong thing that ruined your life and your children's life for the first 18 months since 2020 came out of the WHO. And the script for lockdown in country after country came out of the WHO."

Full Video: https://tinyurl.com/Gates-Naomi

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