King Charles And His Connection To The World Economic Forum

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King Charles And His Connection To The World Economic Forum


King Charles And His Connection To The World Economic Forum Join Us On Telegram and share ideas and comment without any censorship - As the world looks forward to the reign of the new King of the United Kingdom, Charles the third, there are important details about his activities to which the world must pay attention. Most notably, his relationship with the notorious World Economic Forum, the independent international organization that wants to take everything from the masses to ensure complete reliance on its elitist members and megalomaniac leader Klaus Schwab. Though the WEF describes itself as a trusted platform aimed at improving the state of the world, the future it describes is anything but an improvement of our world. Schwab and his team of global leaders, technocrats, business moguls and leading media personalities have spoken about a drastic reduction of the world’s population and a warped dystopian society where the rich own everything and the masses rely on them for sustenance.
If you’ve been anywhere near a social media platform within the past two years, you must have heard the organization’s infamous catchphrase: “You’ll own nothing and you’ll be happy.” When an organization that has the world’s leaders in its pockets warns that you will own nothing, you have to pay special attention to them. And when they say you’ll own nothing, they mean you’ll own nothing, not even the clothes on your back. Everything will be controlled by “stakeholders” while every other person follows their directives. Welcome to First Page News 🤝 We share conservative political news to inform and update you about the happening in politics and in our society that the mainstream media will rather hide from you. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sources: (0:00-0:13) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #wef #kingcharles #frontpagenews

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