Is Justin Trudeau Trying To Avoid Justice? | Front Page News

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Is Justin Trudeau Trying To Avoid Justice? | Front Page News


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Is Justin Trudeau Trying To Avoid Justice? | Front Page News

Join Us On Telegram and share ideas and comment without any censorship - Oh my gosh! Viewers, this is just really shocking and funny. Apparently, it took the Trudeau Liberal government two minutes to invoke the Emergency Act and two months just to get started on the inquiry. And now, it would be interesting to know that Hearings into Justin Trudeau's invocation of the Emergencies Act have been postponed by nearly four weeks as Commissioner Paul Rouleau undergoes an unplanned surgery and also a sudden hidden illness. You know, I wouldn't want to presume that Justin Trudeau and the rest of his Liberal gang are up to one of their funny and mischievous ways of frustrating the law and justice again, but I can definitely bet this sure smells like bullshit. And if you are thinking the same? Well, I can bet you're most likely guessing right. So let's get this straight. Apparently, the entire inquiry is going to be delayed because one person is having an undisclosed illness that seems to have developed so fast overnight and suddenly needs surgery. And there isn't anyone who can fill in for the commissioner? Or better still, neither is there any contingency measure on the ground in case there are complications from the commissioner's apparent sudden surgery. Like really?? You know, Canadians aren't so dumb here; it's really clear how hypocrisy oozes from every corner of the Liberals' narratives. However, I wish the Commissioner well too, but even at that, you would still agree that the timing is just too suspicious. There's absolutely too much of a coincidence here, and it appears the Trudeau Liberals are most likely up to another of their usual dirty tricks. But of course, there's still much more to the secrets that would be revealed in today's story, so stay around and watch this video till the end. It would be interesting to know that in a rather suspicious manner, the commission assigned with the task of reviewing Justin Trudeau's unprecedented use of the Emergencies Act earlier in February this year announced on Friday that the hearings would have to be delayed due to the commissioner suddenly developing a health issue. According to the statement released by the inquiry officials, the leader of the inquiry into the Liberal government's unprecedented use of the Emergencies Act, Commissioner Paul Rouleau, would apparently have to undergo surgery in order “to address a health issue that has very recently arisen.” You would remember that the Trudeau Liberal government had invoked the Emergencies Act on February fourteen in response to the freedom convoy's cross country protests and blockades demonstrating against the government's co vid 19 strict mandates and restrictions. Meanwhile, at that time, some border blockades had already been cleared, leaving the main organization of the protesters in downtown Ottawa. Welcome to First Page News 🤝 We share conservative political news to inform and update you about the happening in politics and in our society that the mainstream media will rather hide from you. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sources: --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #trudeau #canada #frontpagenews


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