INSANE - Trudeau Is Confident Of A Fourth Term As Prime Minister

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INSANE - Trudeau Is Confident Of A Fourth Term As Prime Minister


INSANE - Trudeau Is Confident Of A Fourth Term As Prime Minister Join Us On Telegram and share ideas and comment without any censorship - If you thought Trudeau isn’t power drunk, then I think you need to change your opinion of him now because stats don’t lie. And surely, this latest piece of news I am about to share with you will tell you how badly this man wants to keep controlling Canada and what he thinks of himself. The prime minister, Justin Trudeau met with his cabinet ministers during their Vancouver retreat where he told them that he would remain the leader of the Liberal party ahead of the next general elections. He told them that he felt energized to face the challenges facing Canada and looks forward to winning a fourth term as prime minister. This man sure has nerves. What makes him so confident that he would win a fourth term? I mean, even Stephen Harper who was way better than him didn’t survive past three terms before Trudeau ousted him. It doesn’t help either that the prime minister has performed so badly that he is arguably the worst leader in Canada’s history. The economy has suffered its worst possible phase under his rule, inflation is at an all time high and we are facing an uncommon food crisis. All these happened during his tenure, yet he has the guts to say he would win a fourth term as prime minister. Now, I wonder where this man truly lives. Because if he really lived at 24 Sussex Drive or anywhere else in Canada, he would have understood the political tension around him. I won’t be so surprised if he doesn’t, knowing how dumb he has been in handling the political affairs of the country. I think the mainstream media are now overdoing what he paid them for; they are hiding the truth about how Canadians feel about Trudeau even from him. Because I don’t understand why the most hated Canada now would even think himself worthy of leading the country. Before we move further, I would like to tell you about the Telegram group we formed for our sake. We understand that not everything you say in the comments section is displayed for all to see and engage with because of censorship so we created the group to accommodate us and give us that freedom to speak our truth without fear of censorship. The link to the group is in the description. Now, back to the news. For Trudeau’s supporters among us who think that the prime minister is still the best fit for the job, let me show you why you are truly and utterly wrong, and maybe even part of the problem we face in this country. Trudeau is currently overseeing one of the worst food crises in the country, one where over 5 million Canadians struggle for three square meals, and yet his government hasn’t done anything reasonable to make the situation more bearable. Welcome to First Page News 🤝 We share conservative political news to inform and update you about the happening in politics and in our society that the mainstream media will rather hide from you. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sources: --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #trudeau #canada #frontpagenews


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