EXPOSED! CDC Misinformation About COVID 19 Vaccines REVEALED!

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EXPOSED! CDC Misinformation About COVID 19 Vaccines REVEALED!

Front Page News

EXPOSED! CDC Misinformation About COVID 19 Vaccines REVEALED! Join Us On Telegram and share ideas and comment without any censorship - Hi viewers, I hope you all are doing great today. You know, I really can't imagine how many more red flags the people of America would have to detect in figuring out that these so called "medical experts" and big Tech organizations cannot be trusted. Apparently, it turns out with the m R N A controversy; more findings keep revealing that the C D C officials have been more of a bunch of lying sacks than Americans would have imagined. Well, I guess the more dirt that comes out, the more the majority of the American populace who have been skeptical about the C D C, Big Pharma, and Big Tech since the censorship started to see how right they have been. And in what seems like a shocking revelation, it would be interesting to know that as the pandemic scam continues to unravel, Facebook has been exposed to have continuously disseminated co vid misinformation apparently supplied by the United States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. You know, this is just really perplexing. So, it turns out that the people that want to protect us from misinformation are the ones actually providing the misinformation? This is arguably one of the biggest jokes of the century. I guess when the Democrats tell the people of America that they are combating misinformation, what they really mean is “we are making sure this information fits the narrative we want to promote." Apparently, the C D C protects the Pharmaceutical Industry and makes all its decisions based only on what Big Pharma dictates, and everything else is labeled “disinformation or misinformation” and viciously censored. And, of course, there seems to be nobody to hold these guys accountable because even those who are tasked with protecting the people appear to have stock Portfolios bulging with the stocks of Big Pharma. But of course, the crux of today's story would come later in the video, so stay around and watch till the end. Welcome to First Page News 🤝 We share conservative political news to inform and update you about the happening in politics and in our society that the mainstream media will rather hide from you. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sources: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #trudeau #canada #frontpagenews


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