Escalation: Russia Implicates USA in 'Nuclear' Attacks - N.Patrushev Claims 'Target Was Europe'


Escalation: Russia Implicates USA in 'Nuclear' Attacks - N.Patrushev Claims 'Target Was Europe'

"The real target was Europe with the strikes on the Zaporizhzhya nuclear power plant - NATO provided the weapons and the US separately did the targeting" Facebook

 The Secretary of the Security Council of the Russian Federation Nikolai Patrushev and "No. 2" in the Russian leadership after B.Putin, for the first time implicates the USA in the attacks on the Energondar nuclear plant in Zaporizhia, with what this may entail for international security .  

It is the first time that  Russia has named the US as a state-participant in the attacks  on the Zaporizhia nuclear plant.

The interesting thing is that he implies that this was done  "so that the whole of Europe could be hit with radioactivity",  meaning that the US wants to destroy the EU states!

According to a report on Sunday by the Russian Defense Ministry, Kiev forces have launched a total of 26 missile attacks on the nuclear plant, as well as the nearby city of Energodar, since September 1,  and now N. Patrushev says those attacks were led by the US !

The strange thing is that the denunciation of the "accomplices", according to the Russians, for the attacks on the nuclear plant, takes place long after the crisis of last August. 

N.Patrushev directly accuses the USA of not only supplying the Ukrainian forces with missile systems to strike the nuclear plant, but also providing guidance information for the missiles to reach their target.

So the fact that they are now bringing the issue back up shows a willingness to escalate from Moscow.

Speaking at a meeting of the Security Council on Monday, N. Patrushev said there is a  "serious threat to security from the radiation created by the bombing of Kiev. They are using weapons supplied by NATO in general, while Washington did the targeting  (including the satellites apparently) !'


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