EMERGENCY HEAT and Light for 72 DAYS | Crisco candles | SHTF

#emergency #poweroutage #SHTF

EMERGENCY HEAT and Light for 72 DAYS | Crisco candles | SHTF


Riverside Homestead Life
197K subscribers

The EASIEST way I have found to make EMERGENCY heat! for EVERYONE.

How to make light that last 72 days. I show you how easy it is to make Crisco candles if you have No Electricity or the power goes out! STAY WARM with this very simple low cost way of making clay pot heater and crisco style emergency candles. Emergency candles that burn incredibly long has never been so easy. Anyone can do it. Making Emergency Heat and emergency candles should be a tool and Prepping skill that everyone should be prepared for. Whether it is a winter power outage, major cold front, if you lose electricity or a pandemic has made chaos. What ever the emergency is, when SHTF you need to have this skill Prepper Ready. #emergency #poweroutage #SHTF Some say we are approaching more dark winters, Dark winter ? not sure exactly what that means but dark winter sounds cold and no electricity maybe due to power outage or loose electricity, which would mean more need for emergency heat and emergency light, that is were this emergency heat and light for 72 days comes into play crisco candles will give you that emergency light and emergency heat for a very long period of time! So that is more reason to consider buying the supplies for emergency heat and light for 72 day with these crisco candles before shtf PART 2 COOKING FOOD TEST VIDEO - MUST SEE https://youtu.be/XRyJsXFZFfg


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