Congress Hearing - Climate Emergency is Not Based On Science | Front Page News

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Congress Hearing - Climate Emergency is Not Based On Science | Front Page News

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Congress Hearing - Climate Emergency is Not Based On Science | Front Page News

Hi everyone, I hope you all are doing great today. Well, it appears another person is yet again speaking the minds of many Americans on the rather ridiculous climate change alarmism, and idealistic woke green narcissism of the United States government. And you know, I'm just still really astonished at the fact that even the most tepid alarmist zealots find it difficult to fully understand the implication that the United States' renewable energy is primarily coming from China. Meanwhile, none of this hoax would even be remotely conceivable without the Chinese seemingly "factory of the world" which of course uses hydrocarbons as a power source. And apparently, China's grids and factories would have definitely been using it if solar and wind were so good and hence a solidly credible alternative, well, of course, they've got a few token installations, but it's clear that those are just sheer virtue signaling ventures. There's still no denying that it is simply unable to provide even a fraction of the Energy that's needed by the American populace. You know, to say that this has grown absurdly difficult to describe would be an understatement. But in a rather interesting manner, someone like Michael Shellenberger is coming again at a rather crucial time with a really great and enlightened narrative that should definitely ease the whole climate change absurd alarmism in America if the Democrats are really listening and ready to drop their egoistic ideologies and narcissistic political symbolism while focusing on a better America. So what was Micheal's significant and rather groundbreaking testimony that happened earlier on Thursday? Join me today on another interesting story and revelation of the hypocrisies of the left wing and mainstream media. Welcome to First Page News 🤝 We share conservative political news to inform and update you about the happening in politics and in our society that the mainstream media will rather hide from you. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sources: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #trudeau #canada #frontpagenews


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