Canada Can Be A Global Power In Energy If ONLY Trudeau Cares | Front Page News

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Canada Can Be A Global Power In Energy If ONLY Trudeau Cares | 

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Canada Can Be A Global Power In Energy If ONLY Trudeau Cares | Front Page News Join Us On Telegram and share ideas and comment without any censorship - At a time when almost every developing country around the world is ramping up its energy sector and boosting manufacturing and production in order to build their economy; the reverse is the case for the Trudeau Liberals who are busy sabotaging and tearing down Canada's energy sector and economy. And it's just really pathetic and frustrating enough already. Of course, it's no longer news that Canada is arguably the fourth largest oil producer and the fifth largest natural gas producer. But in a rather surprising manner, Justin Trudeau has only done everything possible in his power to not build sufficient export infrastructure. And it's just really tragic. You know this is possibly the worst energy policy of all as a major producer. Aside from oil and its need, I just keep wondering, why exactly has Trudeau refused to see the real future? A debt free Canada and a thriving economy? It's not rocket science, so why is it so hard to get the oil and gas industry rolling and let the money come in to boost the country's dwindling economy? At this point, this might turn out to be one of the biggest missed opportunities in Canadian history, considering that at current prices, just one Canadian port exporting superchilled gas could be adding nine figures to the Canadian Gross Domestic Product each day. But of course, it's just really saddening that Trudeau doesn't care how much money Canada loses on a daily basis. It appears this guy's major intention is to make Canada a welfare system and nothing more while allowing continuous exploitation of Canadians and overspending of their tax dollars which would most likely eventually collapse the state due to low productivity and expensive cost of running. But of course, Justin Trudeau definitely isn't seeing that. It's just really tragic how Canada has so much to offer the world with its available resources while this guy just sits it out on the sidelines. Well, I guess Trudeau most probably doesn't believe Canada is a country with real potential and that it would just be too unwise to keep blowing up opportunities after opportunities. And with him in charge, it appears Trudeau is making sure Canada looks more like it. But of course, when you take a deeper look at the major cause of the whole frustrating attitude of Justin Trudeau, you would discover that asking a high school drama teacher to review business numbers gets you nothing tangible but only more drama. So it's not really surprising anymore that despite lots of Canadian investors and business minded individuals coming up with good ideas and good intentions for the Canadian oil and gas industry, the Trudeau Liberal government still does not care about them. Welcome to First Page News 🤝 We share conservative political news to inform and update you about the happening in politics and in our society that the mainstream media will rather hide from you. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sources: --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #trudeau #canada #frontpagenews


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