Billions In New Stimulus Payment To Increase Inflation Announced By Trudeau

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Billions In New Stimulus Payment To Increase Inflation Announced By Trudeau


New Billions In Stimulus Payment To Increase Inflation Announced By Trudeau Join Us On Telegram and share ideas and comment without any censorship -

Well, I guess the election is coming, and it seems the Liberals are doing everything in their power to be in the good books of Canadians once again to get more votes ahead of the polls, but you know, they are doing it in a rather ignorant and economically uninformed way. And in an announcement that appeared rather absurd, it would be interesting to know that Justin Trudeau apparently introduced a supposed ‘inflation relief’ earlier this week. And in total, the package seats at four point five billion dollars, including a one time increase of five hundred dollars for a low income housing benefit, doubling a tax credit to offset sales tax for low income Canadians, and six hundred and fifty dollars per year for children under twelve who lack dental coverage. You know this is just really perplexing, but of course, it isn't so surprising too upon a deeper look, considering the recent victory of Conservative leadership candidate Pierre Poilievre at the Party's leadership election. The Liberals must have felt really unsettled with such a resounding victory and arguably needed to do something to appear in a good light to the people to sustain their political mandates. But you know, there's no shying away from the fact that Justin Trudeau planning to spend more money at a time when several economic agencies of the government are trying as much as possible to keep inflation down is just really frustrating and wrecking. Of course, the announcement of the liberals might be well intentioned, apparently to relieve the cost of living like Trudeau claims, but rather, unfortunately, you will agree that increasing spending to reduce inflation is tantamount to asininity. Even the mere fact that Justin Trudeau would say such a thing when his government's budget is so intricately intertwined with the Bank of Canada's monetary policy is just really ridiculous. And worse still is the fact that Justin Trudeau won't agree he's making a decision that isn't economically good enough by claiming that more of his government spending in billions of dollars won't increase the inflationary pressure in Canada. And at this point, it's just really frustrating, and one would wonder just what more Canadians can do to make the Trudeau Liberals get it right. But of course, I guess one can't really expect so much from a Prime Minister who has earlier told the Canadian populace that he thinks budgets balance themselves and he doesn't think about monetary policies. You know, I can bet that the next government would most definitely be stuck trying to fix the problems caused by the perpetual financial ineptitude of the Trudeau Liberal government. Welcome to First Page News 🤝 We share conservative political news to inform and update you about the happening in politics and in our society that the mainstream media will rather hide from you. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
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