12 Ways to Fight the New World Order!

12 Ways to Fight the New World Order!

1. Do NOT watch TV:

Do NOT WATCH TV! The only time I watch TV is to see what the news is telling the sheeple. TV is a powerful mind-controlling apparatus. Why let yourself be hypnotized into the New World Order culture. You may think that you are not susceptible to this but your are deceiving yourself. Not only does TV influence your subconscious but it also steals your time away from wholesome activities and companionship. Personally, I think TV is one of the greatest evils of our time simply because it is so prevalent. Furthermore, there is some evidence that the new televisions can actually see and hear you in your homes. While this may seem far-fetched to some, if you think about it this technology would be very easy to implement. In any case, TV is a cancer in our society promoting the New World Order culture and should be greatly curtailed if not eliminated entirely.

2. Cut up your Credit Cards and quit paying them:

The entire credit system is a powerful tool of the New World Order. By stopping the flow of interest to the banks you will help to starve them out. Not only that but you will immediately enrich yourself. Quit using credit, quit giving your power to the almighty Banks and quit worrying about your credit score. Worrying about your credit just plays into their hands. Who ever said that they can control you/us by assigning you/us a credit number? Don't play their game. Did you know that it is unbliblical to charge interest on a loan? Did you know that after 7 years the Bible commands that all loans are null and void? Drop out of the system today! It is an evil system.

3. Do NOT take out Loans:

This goes hand in hand with the previous admonition. However, it goes a little farther. By taking out a loan, you enslave yourself. Do not take out a loan for any reason at all. If you need a house, build your own. If you need a car, save up and buy a used one or use public transportation. Debt equals slavery, avoid it at all costs.

4. Quit Buying Things:

Every time you buy something your are giving up your time to the object you just purchased. Not only that but in most cases you are also supporting the New World Order by giving them taxes and fees. By stopping your consumption you give yourself more power and you in turn, remove power from the New World Order. Gandhi understood this tactic and insisted on having the people in his movement harvest, spin and make their own clothes rather than purchase clothing from the British. Most of the stuff we buy becomes useless in a matter of months if not days. Instead of buying an item, borrow it, make it or do without. If you absolutely must purchase something buy it used through a garage sale and avoid paying taxes to the N.W.O.

5. Ignore them:

That is what Jesus did, he ignored the Roman government and just continued on as if they didn't exist. No matter what happens on this planet God's will is to be done. This belief imparts freedom because by acknowledging this we understand that the New World Order is NOT in control. They are NOT in control of our lives or of the future and we must act accordingly. After-all this life is temporary, the real deal comes after death.

6. Stop thinking as if there were no New World Order:

This might be a strange point but we make mistakes when we think that the world is as we thought it was. It is not and it behooves us to remember that we are in a war. Right now, for most of us, it has not become a hot war but it is a cold war. We have to make decisions based on reality not on what the TV or the cultural elites would have us believe, that does not benefit us as a whole or even individually. This one point can be very difficult but a crucial point in fight the New World Order. They want to lull you into thinking they don't exist, it is their strategy for control. What did the NAZI's do to the Jews before gassing them? They told them that they were going to take showers. And the Jews wanted to believe them, so they marched right into the gas and died. We must NOT make that same mistake.

7. Impoverish Yourself:

By that I mean have nothing on paper, keep all assets in gold and silver, seeds and firewood. If they can see it, they can tax it and they will take it! The worse the depression gets the more they will be looking for money. If they can see your assets they will take them..it's as simple as that. Hide everything you can.

8. Quit eating GMO food(Genetically modified foods):

GMO food is a soft-kill mechanism. By that I mean that if you eat it you wont die the moment you swallow it but you will die from cancer or what-have-you 10 years and several thousands of dollars later. Quit eating their food, it will kill you.

9. Become Self-Sufficient in every way possible:

To be self-sufficient is to be free! Free from controls, free from dependency, free from taxes and free from chemicals and poisons they put in our food, water and products. This is a biggie for me. Somewhere down the line we decided that it was better to work 8 to 10 hours for someone else, pay taxes out of that to the government and leave our families and for what? To buy a house (when you can build your own), to purchase store-bought decrepit food (when you can grow your own) to send your/our children to government schools (when you can teach them better at home). It doesn't make any sense. Who would rather go and work for someone else all day in some office cubicle, then give 40% or whatever of that income to the government in the form of taxes just in order to purchase the basic items that we used to make for ourselves. Self-Sufficiency is freedom!

10. Educate yourself and others regarding time honored ways of living independently:

This is an ongoing and fun project. There is nothing more satisfying that knowing you can survive and really thrive without the aid of the government in any fashion. It takes time to learn how to grow food, make soap and cook with your own energy. It takes time but it is very satisfying. It is a lost art but it is coming back and it is something we all need to learn and teach our children and other people.

11. Barter, if you can't barter use Silver, if you can't use Silver use Cash:

The money system is their system of control; eradicate yourself from it. Start to figure out how you can barter for your necessities, if you can't barter, use silver or gold (which is untraceable) and if you can't use that use cash which is also untraceable (for now).

12. Stop voting for any of the major political parties

By voting for one of the major political parties, you’re only giving your power away to help the ruling criminals further advance their NWO agenda. Stop believing the left/right sock puppet campaigning shows, all of which are backed and financed by T.H.E.Y (The Hierarchy Enslaving You). It doesn’t matter who gets voted in — they’re all funded and backed by the ruling elite. Whoever wins, the politicians who sit in office will only be there to serve their lords and masters, the ruling elite, instead of the wishes of we-the-people.

Yes, there are a growing number of people who know this, but many still don’t fully understand: Any advantages of selecting one party over the other because of say, a policy in your favour or advantage, such as a tax cut, will only be a short-term payoff. In the end, if you vote for one of the major parties then you’ll only have to suffer the far greater long-term cost of having chosen a party or so-called representative with connections to the ruling elite’s agenda.



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