WATCH: UK show host confounded with Alberta's uptick in deaths with unknown causes


 WATCH: UK show host 

confounded with Alberta's 

uptick in deaths with unknown 


Mark Steyn on GB News

Mark Steyn, host of The Mark Steyn Show on GB News, ranted about Alberta's new leading cause of death — those of ill-defined and unknown causes. 

The Canadian-born radio and television presenter and author began hosting his show on the British news channel in 2021. 

video :

"The leading cause of death in Alberta is now — go on, take a guess, take a wild guess. Cancer? Heart disease? No, the leading cause of death is cause unknown," Steyn said. 

Steyn then includes a clip of a CTV story published July 5 highlighting the top causes of death in Alberta for 2021 where deaths that were "ill defined" or had "unknown causes" lead the way. He also included a graph displaying the comparative number of deaths in this relatively new category from 2019 to 2021. 

In 2019, there were 522 deaths in Alberta classified as ill-defined or with unknown causes. In 2020, that number nearly tripled to 1,464 and in 2021 it more than doubled to 3,362.

"You're more likely to die of an unknown cause, in a first world society, than anything else." said Steyn, adding, "There's a lot of unknown cause going around." 

"What's causing all this unknown cause of death? Is it climate change? Is it transphobia? Or could it be — I'm just thinking outside the box here — could it be that this sudden unprecedented epidemic of unknown causes is in some way connected to the unprecedented universal medicalization of the entire population?"  

Steyn finished his rant by saying he believes "something wacky is staring us in the face." 

The Western Standard took an in-depth look at the growing numbers of unexplained deaths in Alberta and spoke with several medical specialists and a lawyer who raised concerns over the alarming trend. 

“I am aware of the fact there are many types of causes of death, but it's concerning to see the trend of ill-defined deaths increased significantly in the last two years, and it cannot be fully explained by COVID deaths," central Alberta family doctor Dr. Gregory Chan told the Western Standard.

Chan has been tracking fatality numbers in the province and across Canada for several years.

Chan said the obvious factors that have been applied to most people must be investigated, including any changes that have been introduced, such as the public health measures with masking and lockdowns and the introduction of the experimental COVID-19 vaccines.

Dr. Eric Payne, a Calgary-based pediatric neurologist and clinical researcher who has a Master of Public Health degree from Harvard and spent six years on staff at the Mayo Clinic, said he's seeing worldwide data indicating an increase in “excess all-cause mortality (ACM) in 2021 that is not explained by COVID-related deaths.”

Payne said he believes the vaccination status of anyone who died suspiciously and how soon their death occurred after being vaccinated should be made public if the health authorities "want to prevent vaccine hesitancy and put to rest what many consider to be the clear elephant in the room regarding the causes of these suspicious deaths, show us the full data.”

Dr. David Vickers, a statistical associate epidemiologist at the University of Calgary (U of C) and former epidemiologist for Alberta Health Services, has 16 years of experience in infectious disease epidemiology. 

Vickers said he believes all factors should be considered when investigating what's behind the increase in unknown or ill-defined causes of death including delayed access to healthcare services, post COVID-19 complications, the effects of lockdowns on psychological well-being and serious adverse events related to the vaccines. 

Airdrie civil liberties lawyer Derek From told the Western Standard there are “many question marks” around this category of deaths with unknown and ill-determined causes.

“It’s a fact that can’t be disputed — there is no long-term safety data on these vaccines and people’s choices are being removed,” he said.

From said the basis for informed consent has not been reached for the COVID-19 vaccines.

"I'm convinced there are real problems here and, over time, data will show more have been negatively affected by these vaccines," he said.

According to a Service Alberta spokesman, as of July 6 the total number of deaths considered in this category is "approximately one third (35%) lower than published in the 2021 vital event datasets" and now sits at 2,169 instead of the earlier reported 3,362. He said StatCan is working to update those final medical causes of death as they are determined.


Western Standard New Media Corp.


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